
  • 网络industry scale;scale;industrial-scale
  1. 无论是从产业规模、产业结构还是从产业绩效等方面,我国3PL产业与发达国家都存在明显差距。

    Compared with the developed countries , we still have a long way to go in the field of industry scale , structure and profit .

  2. 黑龙江省煤炭产业规模问题分析与对策

    Problem analysis of coal industry scale in Heilongjiang province and countermeasures

  3. 论文由假日旅游市场需求与供给的现状入手,对我国的假日旅游市场进行了SWOT分析,认为其优势在于资源丰富;产业规模扩大;

    Through the SWOT analysis of the holiday tourism market in China , the advantages are found & natural resources are abundant , the industrial scope is enlarging , the domestic demands are stimulated .

  4. 汇丰(HSBC)估计,去年,全球上市公司在气候变化相关活动中的收入为5300亿美元,也就是说,该产业规模已相当于国防和航空航天业。

    HSBC , the bank , estimates that listed companies ' worldwide revenues from climate change-related activities were $ 530bn last year , making the industry as large as the defence and aerospace sector .

  5. 近几年来,贵州省房地产业规模发展迅速,房地产开发投资在GDP中的比重日趋上升,逐渐成为了贵州省国民经济的重要行业之一。

    In recent years , the scale of real estate industry in Guizhou province become larger and larger rapidly , the percentage of real estate investment in Gross Domestic Production are increasing gradually , therefore real estate industry becomes one of the important industries in Guizhou economy .

  6. 这个早上,Ecolofish主要的竞争对手是地中海“金枪鱼勋爵”,RicardoFuentes&Sons的FranciscoFuentes,他所拥有的产业规模化的公司正在吞噬着现有的大金枪鱼储量。

    Its main rival that morning was the tuna baron of the Mediterranean , Francisco Fuentes of Ricardo Fuentes & Sons , whose industrial-scale operations have been chewing up giant bluefin stocks .

  7. 我国铅锌冶炼产业规模经济初探

    Economies of scale in Pb and Zn metallurgy industry in China

  8. 产业规模与比较优势发展战略:一个理论框架

    A Theoretical Framework for Industrial Scale and Development Strategy of Comparative Advantage

  9. 中国汽车产业规模经济问题分析

    Analysis on Economies of Scale in China 's Automobile Industry

  10. 他们的投资实际上都是产业规模的实验。

    Their investments are , in effect , industrial-scale experiments .

  11. 运用组织调整行为构建湖南文化产业规模经营的创新模式研究

    The Innovative Pattern of Hunan Province Culture Industry through Organizational Adjustment Behavior

  12. 旅游业是当今世界上发展前景广阔、产业规模庞大的新兴产业。

    The tourism industry is developing fast in the world with large scale .

  13. 试析我国汽车产业规模结构效率

    On efficiency of auto industrial scale structure of China

  14. 我国有庞大的产业规模,但处在低水平重复的状态。

    China has a huge industry scale , but still in low-level repeat .

  15. 该基金是投资于房地产业规模最大的基金之一。

    Msref VI was one of the largest funds raised to invest in real estate .

  16. 农业产业规模化是现代农业可持续性发展的必然选择。

    The agricultural industry scale is a certain choice for our modern agricultural sustainable development .

  17. 在创意产业规模不断扩大的背后,是创意企业的迅速发展。

    The continuous expand of creative industries is based on the rapid development of creative enterprises .

  18. 这也使得我国的旅游业得以不断发展,其产业规模不断增大。

    This makes Chinese tourism industry is continuously developing ; the industrial scale is continuously enlarging .

  19. 产业规模因素对四部门国际竞争力的解释一致,即产业规模的扩大显著促进了制造业部门的国际竞争力。

    The expansion of industrial scale significantly promotes the international competitiveness of the four manufacturing sectors .

  20. 但是随着产业规模的扩大,也暴露出了一些突出问题。

    But with the enlargement of the industry scope , a lot of problems were exposed .

  21. 边际产业规模波动递增原理及其对非国有经济走势的浅析

    The Principle of Fluctuating Increment of Marginal Industrial Scale for Analysing Non State Owned Economy Trend

  22. 产业规模、资本结构与绩效&我国工业的实证分析

    Industrial Scale , Capital Structure and Industrial Performance & Demonstrational analysis of our country 's industry

  23. 在产业规模指标上,泰州、台州高于其他两市。

    In the industry scale index , Taizhou , Taizhou cities are higher than the other .

  24. 信息产业规模快速扩张的同时,技术水平日新月异。

    The technology level changes quickly with the rapid expansion of scale of chinese information industry .

  25. 文化产业规模经济与文化企业重组并购行为

    Scale Economy of Cultural Industry and the Behaviors of Regrouping and Mergers & Acquisition of Cultural Enterprises

  26. 猕猴桃产业规模迅速扩大,形成产业化、标准化体系。

    The scale of kiwifruit industry has expanded rapidly , has format the industrialization , standardization system .

  27. 现阶段文化产业规模偏小,是制约陕西文化产业竞争力的主要因素。

    ( It 's ) the current relatively small scale that restricts the cultural industrial competitiveness of Shaanxi .

  28. 在这期间,建筑业也经历了翻天覆地的变化,产业规模不断扩大,技术装备水平有很大改善,建造能力不断提高。

    During this period , the construction industry has undergone enormous changes . Industrial scale has been expanding .

  29. 简单地介绍了旅游业的产业规模、地位及作用、子行业发展状况等内容。

    Afterwards , the paper simply introduces the tourism industrial scale , status and the development of its son-industries .

  30. 我国已进入大众化旅游阶段,广大乡村正成为旅游新热点,乡村旅游发展进入快车道,并已具有较大产业规模。

    China has entered into a section of mass tour , rural tourism is becoming a new hot spot .