
  • 网络Dominant Strategy
  1. 接着讨论了顾客的效用函数,导出了顾客在拍卖中的最优出价策略,并证明了此策略既是顾客出价的弱占优策略,也是出价博弈的一个纳什均衡。

    The following is the discussion of the utility function . The optimal bidding strategy of customer is deduced and is proved to be a weak dominant strategy and a Nash Equilibrium .

  2. 这些方法从新型占优机制的角度来讨论基于正交的E占优策略对现有算法的改进效果。

    These methods are discussed from the perspective of a new dominant mechanism to improve the effectiveness of existing algorithms based on orthogonal E dominant strategy .

  3. 在技术研发阶段,企业间进行合作研发,可以分担费用和风险,是企业的帕累托占优策略。

    Cooperating in R & D stage is a super strategy for competitive enterprise .

  4. 结果表明:在竞争情况下,销售是惟一的占优策略,但是厂商会陷入囚徒困境。

    The facts indicate that in competitive environment , the sale is the uniquely excellent strategy , but the manufacturer will sink into a prisoner predicament .

  5. 一系列对比实验数据表明,银企信贷动态博弈存在占优策略,商业银行更倾向于向企业贷款。

    The experimental data show that there exist a dominate strategy in the dynamic game among banks ; commercial banks trend to provide loans to enterprises .

  6. 要使占优策略的实施,即:铁矿资源产业链的利益最大化,政府主管部门或行业协会进行规制是非常必要的。

    The benefit maximization of industry chain of iron ore resources and interposition of government authorities and trades society are quite necessary for the execution of optimal policy .

  7. 本论文首先通过对寡头垄断企业间价格竞争模型的分析,得出价格承诺策略较之征收反倾销税措施是一种占优策略;

    This thesis obtains a conclusion that the strategy of price undertaking is more preferential than the measure of imposing anti-dumping duties through the model of price competition between oligopoly .

  8. 讨论了二人常和博弈中的占优策略、最优策略与稳妥策略的关系,比较最小最大原理和最大最小法分别选取的支付大小,通过例子说明稳妥策略组合不一定是纳什均衡;

    This paper will discuss the relationship of dominant , optimal and reliable strategy , compare the magnitude of payoffs selected respectively by minimax principle and maximin method in two-person constant-sum game , and explain that a profile of reliable strategies is not surely the Nash equilibrium through some examples .

  9. 多重均衡选择中的风险占优与混合策略

    Risk Dominance in Multi - equilibrium Selection and Mixed Strategy