
  • 网络Chams;cham;Cham people
  1. 占族雕刻博物馆收藏着世界上占族雕刻的最新藏品。

    The museum houses the last collection of Cham Pa arts in the world .

  2. 几十年来,占族王朝对越南中部地区的历史影响仍然很明显。

    After decades , the past influence of the Cham Pa dynasty on Vietnam central regions is still prominent .

  3. 在岘港为数不多的名胜古迹中,占族雕刻博物馆以其丰富的占族雕塑馆藏而久负盛名。

    Of the few attractions that belong to the city , Museum of Cham stands out with its rich collection of Cham artifacts .

  4. 占族雕刻博物馆按照古老的占族建筑风格建成,白色的建筑物上装饰着简单却优雅的图案。

    Cham Pa Museum was constructed in the ancient Cham Pa architecture style with many blocks of white building decorated with simple and elegant patterns .

  5. 蒙语是在蒙古国使用最多的语言,喀尔喀族群占蒙古族总人口的90%。

    The main language spoken in Mongolia is Khalkha Mongol since the Khalkha make up90 % of the ethnic Mongol population .

  6. 天然气单环芳烃含量丰富,苯+甲苯占C6~C7族组成的15%~50%;

    Abundant monocyclic aromatics , the benzene and toluene accounting for 15 % ~ 50 % of the C 6 ~ C 7 group composition ;

  7. 民族:印度族占43.7%,斐济族占49%,欧洲人后裔、罗图马族、华人及其它民族占7.3%。

    Ethnic composition : indian 43.7 % , fijian 49 % , european , rotuman , Chinese and other 7.3 % .

  8. 在约300万全国总人口中,华族约占77%,马来族约占14%,印度人约占7%,其他民族,如亚欧后裔,欧洲人和阿拉伯人等约占2%。

    Among the three million people in Singapore : Chinese stand at about 77 % of the whole population , Malays at about 14 % , Indian about 7 % , and other nationalities ( such as Asian-European Singaporean , European and Arab and so on ) about 2 % .

  9. 高棉族是主体民族,占总人口的80%,少数民族有占族、普农族、老族、泰族、斯丁族等。

    Khmer is minority , accounting for80 % of the total population , minority have accounted for the family , general agricultural family , old people , Thai , Stine tribe .