
zhàn lǐnɡ qū
  • occupied area;occupation zone;occupied zone;occupation area
  1. 入侵部队正在国际监督下撤出占领区。

    The invading troops are pulling out of the occupied area under international supervision .

  2. 在敌国占领区设立的审理犯轻罪的人。

    A military court for trying people charged with minor offenses in an occupied area .

  3. 我们得到保证,可以安全通过占领区。

    We were promised safe passage through the occupied territory .

  4. 他们只是想回到在占领区的家人身边。

    They just want to return to their families in the occupied territories

  5. 他们现在已深入叛军占领区。

    They were now deep inside rebel territory .

  6. 西德军事占领区最惠国待遇协定

    Agreement on Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment for Areas of Western Germany under Military Occupatio

  7. 他们被禁止穿越占领区。

    They were denied passage through the occupied territory .

  8. 在占领区内,我们既无管辖权亦无责任。

    We had neither the authority nor the responsibilities implicit in a military occupation .

  9. 我们要深入荷兰占领区。

    We 're dropping deep into occupied holland .

  10. 占领区的犯罪事件是数不尽的。

    The crimes of the occupation are countless .

  11. 通过敌人封锁线潜入占领区的部队

    Troops infiltrating through enemy lines into occupied territory

  12. 占领区的地貌、人口组成、体制结构或法律地位

    Physical character , demographic composition , institutional structure or legal status of the occupied territories

  13. 被占领区事务部;

    Department of the occupied territories affairs ;

  14. 日军在占领区的军费中,除军队的薪水之外都可以用军票支付。

    The Japanese army can use military currency to pay for anything except for military expenditure .

  15. 抗战时期日本占领区的亲日文学,是一种特殊的文学现象。

    The pro-Japanese literature of Japanese occupied areas in anti-Japanese war is a particular literary phenomenon .

  16. 约旦河西岸被占领区;

    Occupied West Bank of jordan ;

  17. 中国游击战争的猛烈发展,将使他的占领区实际上限制在狭小的地带。

    The vigorous growth of guerrilla warfare in China will restrict her actual occupation to narrow zones .

  18. 首先,终止恐怖活动并停建占领区内的犹太人定居点。

    First would come an end to terrorism and a freeze on Jewish settlement in the occupied territories .

  19. 秘密祠堂建成后,将你的老练阴影部队放到敌军占领区中去(使用技能)。

    After Secret Shrine is built , deploy your Veteran Shadow Team ( support power ) into enemy territory .

  20. 其他国家的人如德国占领区的人最需要的则是复兴计划所提供的食品。

    Other peoples , such as those in the German occupation zones , appreciated most the food provided by the ERP .

  21. 以色列住房建设部长波依姆宣布,计划在占领区建造1千多处新住房。

    Israeli Housing Minister Ze'ev Boim announced that Israel plans to build more than 1000 new homes in the occupied territories .

  22. 战争结束的时候,德国被分成4个占领区,而苏联占领区成了东德。

    At the end of the war , Germany was divided into four sectors , and the Soviet sector became East germany .

  23. 边境牧羊犬是一种精力充沛的犬种,他们喜爱工作并且需要运动来保持他们的健康和占领区。

    The Border Collie is a high energy breed that loves to work and requires activities to keep it healthy and occupied .

  24. 以色列计划在巴勒斯坦占领区建立数千定居点,此举受到了英国的强烈谴责。

    Israel 's plans to build thousands of new homes and settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories have drawn strong condemnation from Britain .

  25. 首先在你进攻某个国家的时候你可以将占领区政策设得更加柔和,这样你可以专注于进攻过程而不必过多地担忧你的通信线路。

    Firstly during conquest you can throttle back the occupation policy allowing you to focus more on conquering and less on your lines of communication .

  26. 从最初的占领区救济性援助开始,美国对韩援助的内容伴随援助政策的调整不断发生变化。

    Beginning with the government appropriation for relief in the occupied areas , the contents of foreign aid toward Korea changed along with the policy evolution .

  27. 它在被允许在日军的占领区使用,当流回国内时需要先兑换成日元才能使用。

    It circulates in the occupied area of Japanese army and at first has to be exchanged for Japanese yen for usage when circulated back to Japan .

  28. 来自叛军占领区的石油供给应得到豁免,而对利比亚石油的付款应存入联合国的一个托管账户,并用于人道主义事业。

    Oil supplies from rebel-held areas should be exempted , while payments for Libyan oil should be placed into a UN escrow account , and distributed for humanitarian purposes .

  29. 以色列的这个政策遇到了民众的积极抵抗以及民族政府的压力反对进入或重返巴勒斯坦占领区。

    This Israeli policy was met with resistance prompted by an active grassroots campaign and pressure from the governments of nationals denied entry or re-entry to the occupied Palestinian territories .

  30. 二战期间,同盟国政府同样用圣诞祝词来鼓舞占领区的战士们,幽默的贺卡给战士们带来了充满希望的援助。

    The allied governments also made use of the Christmas message to buoy the spirits of those in occupied states during World War II , promising assistance in humorous cards .