
  • 网络Mithra;Mitra
  1. 坐在密特拉(父亲)旁边,穿上红衣服,代表太阳的颜色,火和生命之血。

    Sitting next to Mithra ( Father ), dressed in red , color of sun , fire and blood of life .

  2. 密特拉表示,持续高企的食品价格凸显出,政府有必要采取“增强关键食品供给”的政策。

    Mr Mitra said persistent high food prices highlighted the need for the government to adopt policies " to enhance the supply of critical food items " .

  3. 密特拉教是STO版本的反面。

    Mithraism was the reversal of the STO version .

  4. 在印度教,他被认为是二分性的密特拉&伐楼拿而赞扬。

    In Hinduism he is praised as the binomial Mitra-Varuna .

  5. 密特拉教的第七级原本是要授予的什么?

    What did the7th grade of Mithraism originally confer ?

  6. 为什么密特拉神会戴一顶弗利吉亚国的帽子?

    Why is Mithras shown wearing a Phrygian cap ?

  7. 一个多世纪来,密特拉教,一个源自波斯的宗教,成为罗马最大的单一宗教。

    For more than a century , Mithraism , a religion derived from Persia , was the largest single religion in Rome .

  8. 他们有占星学阶层,利用十二宫图,把四季神格化成波斯人的密特拉教祭礼。

    They superimposed astrology , the use of the zodiac , and the deification of the four seasons onto the Persian rites of Mithraism .

  9. 密特拉教,一个已经确立后但唯我独尊的教派,专心于社会的正义,在处理名相之前就被声称的基督教发起者所吸收。

    Mithraism , an established but exclusive sect devoted to social justice , was assimilated by state-sponsored Christianity before being disposed of in name .

  10. 然而,在我们正在考虑的这个密特拉时期,太阳在春分点上已经抛离了金牛座两千年之久,正在从白羊座到双鱼座移动。

    However , in the period we are considering , the sun at the Vernal Equinox had left Taurus two thousand years before , and was in the process of moving from Aries to Pisces .

  11. 一个圣人下凡,死而重生这样的观念,在这些社会已是流行的神秘学说,不难将密特拉神或奥西里斯神换成基督。

    The ideas of a Divine Man incarnating , dying and being reborn , were already popular mystical doctrines in these communities , and it was not hard to replace Mithras or Osiris with Christ .

  12. 密特拉神与珀尔修斯联合,星座是在公牛之上,呈现出毒蛇,一只蝎子,一条狗和一只大乌鸦,都被认为是描绘星座。

    Mithras is associated with perseus , whose constellation is above that of the bull . a serpent , a scorpion , a dog , and a raven are present , also thought to represent associated constellations .