
  • 网络Cryptography;encryption;cryptology
  1. 第三章研究课题是密码技术、数字签名、网络加密技术和安全API。

    The third chapter studies cryptology data signature types of network cryptology and secure API .

  2. 密码技术在电子出版物的版权保护中的应用

    The Application of Cryptology Techniques for Copyright Protection in Electronic Publishing

  3. 基于密码技术的MobileAgent系统安全解决方案

    Solution of Mobile Agent System Security Problem Based on Cryptographic Technique

  4. 不论以上讨论的哪个方面,要解决Internet的安全问题的一个基本的工具就是采用密码技术。

    To solve the security problem of Internet , the most basic tool is cryptography technology .

  5. Java卡技术是Java语言嵌入到智能卡环境的一个新的应用,支持Java语言的一个子集,Java卡API与密码技术相关的两个扩展包是:JavaCard。

    Java card technology combines a subset of Java programming language with a runtime environment optimized for smart cards .

  6. RSA公钥密码技术的算法及其应用

    The Algorithm and Application of RSA Public - Key Cryptography

  7. 公开密码技术RSA算法的实现及保密性分析

    The Realization of RSA Arithmetic of Public-key Cryptosystem and the Analysis of Its Security

  8. 本文介绍的CA私钥安全管理方案主要基于门限密码技术。

    The secure managing scheme for protecting the private key of a CA recommended in this article is based on threshold cryptography .

  9. One-Way函数在计算复杂性和密码技术中均有重要的应用。

    One Way functions play an important role in complexity theory of computation and public key cryptography .

  10. RSA密码技术的程序实现

    Program Implementation of Ciphergraph of RSA

  11. PKI由公开密钥密码技术、数字证书、证书发放机构和关于公开密钥的安全策略等组成。

    PKI consists of public cryptography technology , digital certificate , CA and some security policies on public cryptography .

  12. 到目前为止,学术界对于基于门限密码学的入侵容忍研究几乎都集中在门限RSA密码技术的应用上。

    Up to now , the research on threshold - cryptography-based intrusion tolerance focuses on using threshold RSA cryptography .

  13. 其一是作为分布式密码技术基础的秘密共享方案本身已暴露出很多缺陷,其中包括:(1)门限k是固定的;只要参数选定,k也就随之固定;

    One of the shortcomings lying in current secret sharing scheme includes : ( 1 ) The threshold k is fixed after we have specified the system parameters .

  14. 然后文章对与本设计相关的密码技术的基本原理和PKI组件作了简要介绍,并予以论述与分析。

    Secondly , the author analyzes briefly the methods of cryptographic technology and the component of PKI correlative with this design .

  15. 它是利用现代密码学中公钥密码技术在开放的Internet网络环境中提供数据加密以及数字签名服务的统一技术框架。

    PKI ( Public Key Infrastructure ) is a uniform technological framework that offers the services of data encrypt and digital signature in the open Internet environment by using the public-key encrypt technology of current encryption .

  16. SSL协议以多种公钥密码技术和对称加密技术为基础,实现Web服务器和Web浏览器之间的信息交换的秘密性、完整性和认证性的通信目标。

    It guarantees privacy , integrity and authenticity of information exchanged between a Web server and a Web browser based on a multiple of public key cryptographical techniques and symmetrical encryption techniques .

  17. 第2章介绍了密码学的理论基础。包括对称密码技术,非对称密码技术和数字信封技术,并详细分析了DES算法和RSA算法。

    Chapter 2 clarifies the cryptographical foundation , which includes the symmetrical cipher technology , unsymmetrical cipher technology and digital envelope .

  18. 在SSL和公钥密码技术的基础上,我们提出并实现了基于PKI体系的安全Web服务器。

    Based on the technology of SSL and public key encryption , we put forward and implement the secure web server which is based on PKI infrastructure .

  19. PKI是一种结合对称与非对称密码技术构建的安全基础设施,其中证书权威机构CA(CertificationAuthority)是系统的核心部分。

    PKI is a kind of secure infrastructure that based on the asymmetric encryption technology . CA ( Certification Authority ) is the core of this system .

  20. 介绍对称密码技术中的DES、AES、IDEA加密算法和非对称密码技术中的RSA、ECC加密算法,并给出了混合密码算法的方案。

    Introduced DES , AES , and IDEA encryption algorithm , RSA , and ECC encryption algorithm , finally , produced the mix crypto-algorithm design proposal .

  21. 为了有效地克服校园网P2P应用存在的安全问题,分析了密码技术、身份认证、流量识别这三种安全技术。

    In order to effectively overcome the existing campus network P2P application security issues , analysis of cryptographic techniques , authentication , traffic identification of these three security technology .

  22. 伪随机数发生器(pseudorandomnumbergenerator,PRNG)因经常用于产生各种密钥而在密码技术中举足轻重。

    Pseudorandom number generator ( PRNG ) is crucial for information security since they are often used to generate various secret keys in cryptographic systems .

  23. 在第4章又深入研究了COS的安全管理模块,包括安全结构、密码技术以及密钥管理等;

    Further investigate the security management module of COS also in chapter 4 , including security structure , cryptography and key management etc.

  24. 签名计划使用强盛的密码技术和PKI,以更好地保证身份的真实性、文档的完全性和不可否认性。

    The signature scheme uses the powerful cryptography technology and PKI , with much force to guarantee the authenticity , integrity and undeniableness of one document .

  25. 现主要阐述了RSA密码技术的基本理论,算法的基本实现,着重讨论了RSA算法的安全特性。

    This paper mainly discusses the basic theory of RSA cipher technology and its general implementation , with a focus on the security of RSA algorithm .

  26. 对密码技术的加密机理及其在电子商务中的作用给以充分阐述,并对汉字文档如何利用MIT算法实施加密作了深入研究。

    This paper thoroughly explains encryption mechanism and its function in E-commerce and deeply explores how to utilize MIT algorithm in encryption of Chinese documents .

  27. 分析了Cox等人关于水印结构的理论,提出了利用密码技术构造水印序列的方法。

    This paper analyses the watermarking structure theory of the Cox , and puts forward the method to use the encryption to construct the watermarking sequence .

  28. 文章介绍了电子ID身份鉴别的主要密码技术,并简要介绍了有关基于IC卡的电子令牌应用规范,并描述了PKCS15电子令牌信息格式。

    This paper discusses some major cryptography techniques for electronic identity authentication , and briefly introduces some IC card specifications . The PKCS # 15 Cryptographic token information syntax standard is also described .

  29. 公开密钥基础设施PKI是一种利用非对称密码技术为电子商务、电子政务和电子事务的开展提供一整套安全保护的基础平台。

    Public Key Infrastructure ( PKI ) utilizes the asymmetrical cryptography technology to lay the security foundation for the electronic commerce , the electronic government and the electronic business .

  30. 介绍了公开密钥密码技术、RSA加密算法及举例,分析了分开密钥密码技术的安全性,并分析影响此技术成熟的不利因素。

    In this article public-key ciper technology , RSA encryption algorithm and the way of generating public-key are discussed , and the security and the actor are also analyzed .