
  1. 回到她在市中心的酒店,那些大城市的朋友惊讶地发现这些事件将纽约餐会变成了密西西比州团聚。

    Heading back downtown toward her hotel , her big-city friends were amazed at the turn of events that had changed their Big Apple dinner into a Mississippi state reunion .

  2. 另一则新闻,美国司法部起诉密西西比州侵犯青少年的正当权利。

    Another news , the Justice Department has filed the lawsuit accusing Mississippi of violating the due process rights of juveniles .

  3. 美容师、调酒师、钢琴演奏家和戴紫色帽子的人,韦尔蒂笔下的人物来自那些她与朋友共度的午后,来自她家乡密西西比州杰克逊的街道漫步,来自她在公交上无意听见的对话。

    Beauticians , bartenders , piano players and people with purple hats , Welty 's people come from afternoons spent visiting with old friends , from walks through the streets of her native Jackson , Miss . , from conversations overheard on a bus .

  4. CNN记者ReynoldsWolf就在密西西比州PassChristian的现场。

    CNN 's Reynolds Wolf live in Pass Christian , Mississippi this morning .

  5. 三年前,鞍钢集团(AnshanIron&Steel)收购了位于美国密西西比州的钢铁发展公司(SteelDevelopment)14%的股权,并计划修建五家工厂。

    Three years ago , Anshan Iron and Steel bought a 14 per cent stake in Steel Development of Mississippi , with plans to build five mills .

  6. .美国国家气象局(nationalweatherservice)表示,周三,南部的密西西比州和阿拉巴马州部分地区遭遇了接近150场龙卷风袭击。

    Death Toll From US Tornados Rises to at Least 292 The National Weather Service says about 150 tornados tore through parts the southern states of Mississippi and Alabama on Wednesday .

  7. 之后,成员人数以及进驻地区的规模都在稳步增加,直至2009年时有了一次飞跃,当时密西西比州以及沃尔顿家族基金会(WaltonFamilyFoundation)为它注入了资金支持。

    The numbers and geographic reach expanded steadily but exploded in 2009 because of an influx of funds from the State of Mississippi and the Walton Family Foundation .

  8. 在密西西比州内自称为“非常保守”的选民群体中,Romney只赢得了不到四分之一的选票。(选民认为Romney不是真正的保守派)

    In Mississippi he won less than a quarter of voters who described themselves as " very conservative . "

  9. 据NPR的嘉莉·约翰逊报道,密西西比州的制度主要侵犯了非裔美国青年及残疾青年的权利。

    NPR 's Carrie Johnson reports the state system mostly hurts children who are African-American or disabled .

  10. 密西西比州Medley&BrownFinancialAdvisers的麦德利说,“客户应该至少有35%的股票资产投在非美国股票基金上”。

    Tim Medley of Medley & Brown Financial Advisers in Ridgeland , Miss . says , " clients should have at least 35 % of their stock holdings in non-U.S. stock funds . "

  11. 丰田在密西西比州的工厂位于图珀洛附近,原本计划生产丰田汉兰达(Highlander)运动型多用途车(SUV)。

    Toyota 's Mississippi plant , near Tupelo , was originally supposed to build the Highlander sport-utility vehicle .

  12. 密西西比州希望推行13岁的VictoriaParrish的做法,这名学生通过食用更健康的食物和打垒球减肥20千克。

    Mississippi wants to promote more students like Victoria Parrish - this 13 year-old lost 20 kilograms by eating better and playing softball .

  13. 维斯怀斯·巴特(VishweshBhatt),Snackbar,密西西比州牛津

    Vishwesh Bhatt , Snackbar , Oxford , Miss .

  14. 达德利(BobDudley)来自墨西哥湾密西西比州。BP石油公司仍在继续防止石油泄漏,应对这次漏油造成的经济损失,达德利(BobDudley)目前已经成为这项工作的核心人物。

    Dudley , an American from the Gulf state of Mississippi , is now the high-profile point man for the embattled company as it continues to stop the gusher and deal with the economic damage it is causing .

  15. 设想我们的涉众是新墨西哥州圣达菲的Marian阿姨、路易斯安那州巴吞鲁日的Cid叔叔,以及密西西比州杰克逊的Tanya堂兄。

    Imagine that our stakeholders are Aunt Marian in Santa Fe , New Mexico ; Uncle Cid in Baton Rouge , Louisiana ; and cousin Tanya in Jackson , Mississippi .

  16. 例如,密西西比州Holmes县男性预期寿命为65.9岁,与巴基斯坦男性相同,但要比佛吉尼亚州Fairfax县男性少15.2岁。

    Men in Holmes County , Mississippi , for example , have a life expectancy of 65.9 years , the same as men in Pakistan and 15.2 years behind men in Fairfax , Virginia .

  17. 阿拉巴马州和密西西比州共和党人在投票选举总统参选人的前夜,在伯明翰城区装饰一新的老剧院里,NewtGingrich和RickSantorum进行了最后的造势演说。

    THE night before Republicans in Alabama and Mississippi voted in their primaries , Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum made their final appeals at a forum in an ornate old theatre in downtown Birmingham .

  18. 书中有一个场景发生在密西西比州最古老的监狱Parchman。

    And one of the settings of " Sing , Unburied , Sing " is Parchman prison . It 's the oldest prison in Mississippi .

  19. 密西西比州首府,位于珍珠河畔。

    Capital of the state of Mississippi on the Pearl river .

  20. 不过吐温的大半辈子还是在密西西比州度过。

    Still , Twain spent most of his life in Mississippi .

  21. 他太太玛丽来自密西西比州比拉希市。

    His wife , mary , is from biloxi , mississippi .

  22. 美国的市政债券及其对中国的启示&以密西西比州为例

    The Municipal Bonds in America and Its Reflection on China

  23. 理查德.赖特出生在密西西比州的一个贫穷的黑人家庭。

    Richard Wright was born in a poor black family in Mississippi .

  24. 密西西比州:来吧,对你自己的州感觉好一点儿!

    Mississippi : Come And Feel Better Your Own State !

  25. 密西西比州东北部的两座教堂昨晚被大火烧毁。

    Two churches were destroyed by five last night in Northeast mississippi .

  26. 而密西西比州的最长监禁则是5年。

    Mississippi , the longest jail sentence , five years .

  27. 今天,龙卷风同样袭击密西西比州。

    In Mississippi , there were also reports of tornado touchdowns today .

  28. 演唱兼作词的歌手保罗·桑恩出生于美国威斯康星州,在密西西比州长大。

    Singer-songwriter Paul Thorn was born in Wisconsin and raised in Miss .

  29. 密西西比州的接种率最低,约为40%。

    The lowest percentage is about 40 percent in Mississippi .

  30. 她的父亲是密西西比州的一位浸礼会牧师。

    Her father was a Baptist minister in Mississippi .