
jìn shì dài shù
  • modern algebra
  1. 近世代数课程教学内容的改革与实践

    Reform and practice on the teaching content of the course of modern algebra

  2. 近世代数教学中如何培养学生的创新能力

    Carrying out education on students ' creativity in the teaching of modern algebra

  3. 讨论了近世代数中n次对称群的分类问题。

    The problem about classification of is discussed .

  4. 二元序列的研究已经较为广泛和深入,人们运用近世代数的理论,得到了一批性能优越的二元序列,如GMW序列,No序列,Bent序列等。

    People have deep and wide research in duality sequence . With the use of recent century algebra , people get a lot of duality sequences such as GMW sequence , No sequence , Bent sequence and so on .

  5. 以国际标准CRC-CCITT循环冗余校验码为研究对象,利用近世代数多项式理论证明其奇偶校验性质、最小码距和纠正单比特错误能力。

    The CRC-CCITT cyclic redundancy check code in international standard is studied in this paper . The polarities check ability , minimum code distance and capacity of correct single bit error of CRC-CCITT are proved by using galois field polynomial theory .

  6. 对《近世代数》的教学具有一定的指导意义。

    It has some meaning to the teaching of Modern Algebra .

  7. 近世代数教学参考资料两则

    Two items of reference materials for Modern Algebra Teaching

  8. 近世代数课程教学与学生思维能力培养

    The Course Teaching of Modern Algebra and the Training for Students ' Thinking Capability

  9. 在近世代数基础上发展起来的现代密码学被广泛认为是一种保护信息安全的有效手段。

    Based on modern advanced Algebra , the modern cryptography is widely considered an effective information security protection method .

  10. 本文从近世代数中的半群理论观点出发,对利用身份证在环型、星型和全联通型的通信网中,实现密钥分配的方法进行了较全面的研究。

    From the semi-group theory different Identity-Based conference key distribution methods for all kinds of communication networks are studied in this paper .

  11. 采用近世代数和时序逻辑的方法定义了形式化描述语言,并形式化地描述了密码协议的分层安全需求。

    Using temporal logic and algebra , a formal requirement language was presented and used to describe the formal hierarchy requirements for cryptographic protocols .

  12. 本文通过一道近世代数习题的剖析,提出了如何引导学生进行探索性思维的问题。

    Through an exercise in modern algebra , we studied the question on how to lead students to approaeh the problem of reasoning from different angles .

  13. 本文定义了近世代数中一个全新的概念&态群,并将群论中的一些概念和定理拓广到态群上来

    In this paper , we define Homomorph-group , an entirely new conception in Advanced Algebra , and extend some conceptions and theories in group theory to the homomorph-group

  14. 并对近世代数(吴品三)、抽象代数(徐诚浩)中有关模格维数几个定理证明的遗漏,作了某些补证。

    The paper also gives some corrections to several theorems and their proofs about the dimension of the modular lattice ih the books " Modern Algebra " by Wu and " Abstract Algebra " by Xu .

  15. 信息隐藏的发展融合了密码学、信息论、近世代数、数字图像处理、计算机安全、管理科学、心里学、经济学以及法学等相关学科的大量研究成果。

    Information hiding integrates a large number of research results of cryptography , information theory , modern algebra , digital image processing , computer security , management science , psychology , economics , law and related subjects .

  16. 在高等代数与近世代数教学中进行教法创新,实践创造教育方法,培养学生的创新兴趣,激发学生的创新欲望,以达到培养学生的创新能力。

    Creating new teaching method in higher algebra and modern algebra , practicing the method of creative education , training the students ' creative interest , motivating creative desire , so as to enhance the students ' creative abilities .

  17. 作为近世线性代数的一个基本分支,行列式理论却有着悠久的历史。

    As a part of linear algebra , theory of determinants is of a long history .