
jìn dì guǐ dào
  • Low Earth orbit;near-earth orbit
近地轨道[jìn dì guǐ dào]
  1. X射线脉冲星导航(X-rayPulsar-basedNavigation,XPNAV)是近几年空间导航领域研究的热点,可为近地轨道、深空及星际空间飞行的航天器提供位置、速度、姿态和时间等全面的导航信息。

    As a hot spot on the research of space navigation in recent years , X-ray Pulsar-based Navigation ( XPNAV ) can offer abundant navigation information , such as position , velocity , attitude and time etc. for the spacecrafts in near-Earth orbit , deep space and interplanetary space .

  2. 空间实验是在我国第16颗科学探测与技术试验卫星上进行的,卫星在近地轨道运行15天。

    The space experiments are carried out in the chinese sixteenth scientific and technological exploration satellite . The satellite was flew around the near-earth orbit about 15 days .

  3. 不过,它也承认,广泛地部署近地轨道立方体卫星并非没有风险。

    Yet it also acknowledges that widespread deployment of LEO CubeSats isn 't risk-flee .

  4. 然而,随着近地轨道向更多的非专业卫星开放,这些卫星可能会构成越来越大的威胁。

    Yet as LEO opens up to more amateur satellites , they may pose an increasing threat .

  5. 这一成本的降低使得研究人员、业余爱好者甚至小学生团队都可以将简单的仪器送入近地轨道,甚至可以在国际空间站部署它们。

    This decrease in cost allows researchers , hobbyists and even elementary school groups to put simple instruments into LEO or even having them deployed from the ISS .

  6. 它们主要是为近地轨道而设计的——近地轨道是距离地球200至800英里的一个较为容易进入的空域,像哈勃太空望远镜和国际空间站这样需要人类维护的太空设施就在这里运行。

    They 're primarily designed for Low Earth Orbit ( LEO ) - an easily accessible region of space from around 200 to 800 miles above Earth , where human-tended missions like the Hubble Space Telescope and the International Space Station ( ISS ) hang out .

  7. 空间站将在高度340至450公里的近地轨道运行,设计在轨飞行时间可达10年以上。专家表示,如果妥善维护,空间站的在轨飞行时间有可能超过15年。中国载人航天“三步走”战略

    The station will operate in the low-Earth orbit at an altitude from 340 km to 450 km . It has a designed lifespan of 10 years , but experts believe it could last more than 15 years with appropriate maintenance and repairs .

  8. J2摄动作用下近地轨道卫星编队构形长期演化机理分析

    Analysis of LEO Satellite Formation Secular Evolvement with J_2 Effect

  9. 太空潜水艇Q.核潜艇在近地轨道太空中能坚持多久?

    ORBITAL SUBMARINE Q. How long could a nuclear submarine last in orbit ?

  10. ISS是一个位于近地轨道的、可居住的人造卫星。它是第11个人类发射进宇宙轨道的空间站。

    The ISS , a habitable , artificial satellite in low Earth orbit , is the11th space station launched into orbit by humanity .

  11. 计算近地轨道航天器空间外热流的RUD方法

    Numerical Computation of External Heat Flux of Low Earth Orbit Spacecraft by RUD

  12. 航天GPS接收机的无辅助冷启动时间是一项重要指标,研究近地轨道应用的12通道C/A码导航型接收机减小冷启动时间的方法。

    Unaided cold start time is an important performance of spaceborne global position system ( GPS ) receiver . Reduction of cold start time was developed for C / A code navigation receiver on low earth orbit ( LEO ) .

  13. MDIF公司这个名叫外联网的项目,计划到2015年向近地轨道发射数百颗卫星。

    Known as Outernet , MDIF plans to launch hundreds of satellites into orbit by 2015 .

  14. 关于桑德拉?布洛克(SandraBullock)和乔治?克鲁尼(GeorgeClooney)主演的、以近地轨道和壮观的太空为背景的电影《地心引力》(Gravity),我透露一下该片情节与太空垃圾撞击太空船有关,想必不算严重剧透。

    I don 't think I 'm spoiling too many surprises when I reveal that the plot of the film Gravity , a low-orbit spectacular starring Sandra Bullock and George Clooney , involves spacecraft getting hit by space debris .

  15. 采用真空热循环试验装置,模拟近地轨道空间环境,研究了LF6铝合金焊接接头拉伸性能和微观组织,分析讨论了真空热循环对焊接接头的影响规律。

    The tensile properties and microstructure of LF6 aluminum alloy weld joint under simulating near earth space environment are studied by means of vacuum thermal cycling system .

  16. 上世纪90年代,轨道科学公司(现为轨道ATK公司)从一架改装的L-1011客机的机身下发射火箭,将小型卫星送入近地轨道。

    In the 1990s , Orbital Sciences Corp. ( now Orbital ATK ) began releasing rockets from the belly of a converted L-1011 airliner to put small satellites into low Earth orbit .

  17. 首先给出考虑J2摄动项时近地轨道卫星的轨道模型、星下点计算方法和覆盖判断准则,在此基础上给出一种近地回归轨道的迭代设计方法。

    The orbit models , the calculation methods of sub satellite and the coverage judgement which take into account the J 2 perturbations are given first , and then an iterating methods of designing satellite orbit with repeat ground trace is proposed .

  18. 本文研究近地轨道卫星长期在轨运行的轨道维持问题。

    This paper investigates the orbit maintenance of long life satellites .

  19. 中国近地轨道卫星三轴稳定姿态控制系统

    Three-axis stabilized attitude control system for Chinese near earth orbit satellites

  20. 中国向近地轨道发射了一颗宽带通信卫星。

    China has launched a broadband communication satellite into low-Earth orbit .

  21. 近地轨道卫星星座设计时的轨道模型

    The Orbit Models for Designing LEO Satellite Constellations

  22. 这适用于所有,近地轨道的卫星。

    And that holds for all near-Earth-orbit satellites .

  23. 近地轨道运载火箭轨迹/总体参数一体化优化设计

    Integrated Optimization Design for Trajectory / System Parameter of Low Earth Orbit Launch Vehicle

  24. 近地轨道处的地球引力几乎和在地面上一样强。

    Gravity in low Earth orbit is almost asstrong as gravity on the surface .

  25. 原子氧和石墨在近地轨道环境中反应概率的数值估算

    A numerical evaluation of reactive probabilities of atomic oxygen with graphite in low earth orbit

  26. 近地轨道飞行只是他的试验田。

    LEO is merely his proving ground .

  27. 将一颗卫星的有效负载发射到近地轨道,每公里要耗资2万美元以上。

    Launching a payload to low-Earth orbit can cost $ 20000 or more per kilogram .

  28. 升空后,核心舱将被部署在近地轨道。

    And after liftoff , the core module will be deployed in a low earth orbit .

  29. 新计划鼓励私人公司通过竞争来提供近地轨道的运输服务。

    The new plan encourages firms to compete to provide transport to low Earth orbit ( LEO ) .

  30. 载人航天器的设计能够适应多种任务,包括涉及近地轨道和深空探测的任务。

    The manned spacecraft is designed to multiple tasks including those that involve low-Earth orbits and deep-space explorations .