
  • 网络Unmanned spacecraft
  1. 这些模型不仅可用于评估当前的碎片环境,而且还可评估载人与无人航天器在轨运行时的碎片碰撞风险。

    These mode can be used to assess not only current debris environment , but debris collision risks during orbiting operation of manned and unmanned spacecraft .

  2. 通过一些巧妙的创新,马斯克的SpaceX帮助降低了把无人航天器送入太空的成本。

    Mr Musk 's SpaceX has , through some clever innovations , helped to bring down the cost of putting unmanned payloads into space .

  3. 尽管仍然是无人航天器,但神舟四号飞船已经与载人航天器拥有同样的能力和安全保障。

    While still unmanned , the Shenzhou-4 was a fully functional spacecraft with capabilities and safety features a manned vehicle .

  4. 不能是载人还是无人驾驶的航天器,同样存在发动机冷却的问题,因而结论也是一样的。

    The problem of cooling the engine remains the same , whether the ship is manned or unmanned , and the conclusion is the same .