
  • 网络Passive device;Passive;passive component
  1. 棱镜&光栅耦合器(PGC)是集成光学的一种无源器件。

    The prism-grating coupler ( PGC ) is a passive device in the field of integrated optics .

  2. 光通信中的玻璃无源器件的制备与研究

    The fabrication and study of glass passive device in optical communication

  3. 用于RF无源器件的氧化多孔硅隔离层技术

    OPS insulating techniques for RF passive devices

  4. 高品质无源器件的缺乏已经成为CMOS射频集成电路的设计瓶颈之一。

    The lack of high quality passive devices has become the bottleneck in CMOS RFICs .

  5. 光纤光栅(FiberBraggGrating,FBG)是目前最有发展前途、最具有代表性的光纤无源器件之一。

    Fiber Bragg Grating ( FBG ) is one of the most potential and typical optical passive components .

  6. Interleaver(梳状分波器)是DWDM光通信系统中的重要无源器件。

    Interleaver is the key component of DWDM system .

  7. 该法也适合于GRIN棒型其它光纤无源器件。

    This method is also applicable to other passive optical fiber devices including GRIN rod lens .

  8. 提出了一种采用有源RC滤波器实现复数滤波器时可快速确定无源器件参数值的设计方法。

    A design methodology of active-RC complex filter is proposed in this paper , with which one can determine the parameters of passive components quickly .

  9. 该辅助网络采用无源器件,简化了电路结构;且变换器采用PWM移相控制,使控制电路设计比较容易。

    The auxiliary circuit is composed of passive components , and the structure of the topology is simple . Using PWM phase shift control makes the design of control circuit easy .

  10. WDM通信技术的发展对光纤器件提出了新的要求,各种新型光纤无源器件和有源器件不断涌现出来。

    The development of WDM technology calls for new demands for optical devices , which accelerates the emergence of various novel passive and active optical fiber components .

  11. 在分析GTO内部机理的基础上,用无源器件建立了GTO门极模型。

    The gate model is formed with passive devices on the basis of analyzing the internal mechanism of GTO .

  12. 由无源器件产生的互调现象通常被称为无源互调(简称PIM)。

    The phenomenon of intermodulation generation due to passive components is generally called passive intermodulation ( PIM for short ) .

  13. 矩量法(MoM)经常被有效用来集成电路中无源器件的参数提取,但这种方法需要解决一个稠密线性方程系统。

    The method of moment ( MoM ) is often effectively used in the extraction of passive components in modeling integrated circuits . This extraction , however , involves a dense system of linear equations .

  14. 尤其是高品质因数电感和可变电容等无源器件的片上实现,让电感电容压控振荡器(LCVCO)的单片集成已成为可能。

    Especially , the realization of high quality on-chip passive elements such as inductors and varactors make on-chip implementation of LC voltage-controlled oscillator ( VCO ) possible .

  15. 提出了一种新型单输入三输出通用电流模滤波器,该滤波器仅由4个OMA(+)(Operationalmirroredamplifiers)和5个无源器件构成。

    A new universal single input and three output current mode filter is presented , which only consists of four OMAs + ( operational mirrored amplifiers ) and five passive elements .

  16. PDI也专注于相关产业与电缆线相关的OEM产品。包括直流继电功分器,稳压直流功分器和其它独有的无源器件。

    PDI also specialize in creating unique cable related OEM products for associated industries , including DC relay activated splitters , regulated DC voltage splitters and other unique passive devices .

  17. 随后,介绍了CMOS工艺中的无源器件:电阻、电容和电感的具体实现方式,随后仔细分析了电容和电感的模型并提出了几种提高电感Q值的方法。

    Secondly , the passive elements including resistance , capacitance and inductor in CMOS have been studied , after the analysis of the models of the capacitance and the inductor , many method of analysis and optimize the on-chip inductor are explained .

  18. 因此,预计用这种技术,可以在Si片上集成横向尺寸为数百微米,具有优良高频性能的MEMSRF/MW无源器件,如开关、传输线、电感和电容等。

    As a result , the MEMS RF / MW passive devices with the lateral dimension of hundreds microns and good high frequency performance , such as switch , transmission line , inductor and capacitor , could be integrated on the silicon substrate by this technology .

  19. YBCO高温超导薄膜在高性能微波无源器件有着良好的应用前景,而大面积双面薄膜的制备在满足批量生产及多器件集成的同时,能够进一步提高微波无源器件的性能。

    The most promising application of high-TC superconducting thin films is passive microwave devices and the fabrication of large-area double-sided YBCO thin films is a convenient way to realize large scale production and multi-component integration .

  20. 本文详细介绍光无源器件在WDM网络中的主要作用及其基本现状,以WDM网络为光导,对网络中应用的光无源器件作逐一介绍。

    The paper describes in detail the main roles and essential status of optical passive devices in WDM network . Then based on the survey of WDM network , applications of optical passive devices in WDM network are serially introduced .

  21. 光纤布拉格光栅(FBG)是近几年来发展最为迅速的光纤无源器件之一,由于它的许多独特优点,在光纤通信、光纤传感领域具有广阔的应用前景。

    Fiber Bragg grating ( FBG ) is a new type of passive optical components which has been developed quickly in recently years . It has been greatly applied in optical fiber communication and optical sensors for its unique merit .

  22. 长期以来,解决微波功率晶体管的电流集中问题的通用做法是使用发射极镇流电阻,以及PTC,CTR热敏电阻等无源器件。

    For a long time , a common and popular method to solve current convergence problem of microwave power transistor is using emitter ballasting resistor , such as PTC , CTR thermistor , passive devices etc.

  23. 光纤光栅是一种极有应用前途的新型光无源器件,为此简述了光纤光栅的光学特性以及光纤光栅在DWDM全光网络中的一些应用。

    Fiber grating is a kind of novel optical passive component with a prospective future . Consequently , the optical properties of fiber grating , as well as the applications of fiber grating in DWDM all optical networks are described .

  24. 根据SiGeHBT的结构参数,并结合无源器件,完成了低噪声放大器单片集成电路的版图设计,并提出了实现电路的工艺流程和主要关键工艺技术。

    Through the structural parameters of the SiGe HBT , associating the passive devices , the layout of the monolithic integrated circuit LNA is obtained , and the technology of the circuit and the vital process process are introduced .

  25. 而各种新型无线通信系统的不断涌现,例如GPS、3G、WLAN、UWB等,极大地刺激了微波有源和无源器件尤其是滤波器技术的快速发展,也对滤波器的性能提出了更高的要求。

    And new wireless communication systems emerge ceaselessly , such as GPS , 3G , WLAN , UWB and so on , which have spurred a tremendous advance in microwave active and passive devices especially for filter technology , also make a demand of more stringent filter characteristics .

  26. 光纤布拉格光栅(FBG)是一种新兴的光纤无源器件,在光纤通讯、光纤传感等领域有着广泛的应用,具有可靠性好,抗电磁干扰,抗腐蚀等特点。

    Fiber Bragg grating ( FBG ) is a new optical fiber passive component . Because of its characteristics of reliability , anti-electromagnetic interference and corrosion-resistant , it is widely used in the field of optical fiber communication , optical fiber sensors and so on .

  27. 随着光纤技术和光纤通信的发展,光纤光栅(FBG)已经成为近年来发展得最为迅速的光纤无源器件之一,并在光纤传感领域发挥着重要的作用。

    In recent years , with rapid development of optical fiber technology and fiber communication , Fiber Bragg Gratings ( FBGs ) have already become one of the fastest developing optical passive components , and play an important role in the field of fiber sensing .

  28. 试验证明,该有源滤波器对共模噪声的抑制能力比无源器件高20dB。

    The proposed circuit can provide 20 dB more CM noise attenuation compared to passive LC filter , which is verified by experimental results .

  29. 通过对IEC推荐的测试方法的扩展,实现对WCDMA移动通信设备中无源器件的自动化测试与数据分析。再次,进行无源互调传输测试系统的硬件与软件部分的详细设计。

    Through the expansion of test method recommended by IEC , automatic test and data analysis of the passive components in WCDMA communication equipment are realized . Thirdly , the detail designs for hardware and software of the passive intermodulation transmitted test system are carried out .

  30. 由于该型器件串联均压拓扑采用无源器件构成均压电路,因而能避免门极均压控制电路设计的繁复和不稳定性,且损耗远小于传统的RCD箝位均压方式。

    This share-voltage topology of power device in series with passive components can avoid the complex design process of gate voltage control circuit , and the loss is far less than that of the traditional RCD clamping circuit .