- a cappella

The quirky vocal group Pentatonix has reflected that change , starting with YouTube and culminating in one of last year 's top-selling albums , and on Sunday the group won best instrumental or a cappella arrangement for its track " Daft Punk . "
In recent years , thanks to the efforts of the team and the track selection , Mongolian a cappella has been developing rapidly and made many great achievements .
I knew Sean through a cappella singing society called Barbershop .
Therefore , a cappella is very easy to resonate with people .
The Cappella creative filed is barren , classic music works are even scarcer .
Another interesting company waiting in the wings to go public soon is Capella Online University .
Especially for foreign composers who seems to more interested in the creation of a Capella music .
Cappella part includes the definition of a cappella , origin , characteristics and Chinese and foreign masterpiece .
Then according to the accompaniment , we divide choir into A Cappella and Choir With Instrumental Accompaniment .
The author tries to study the best way to combine the Mongolian ballad and the counterpoint without company .
THE lives of16th-century composers of unaccompanied madrigals do not by and large make promising subjects for lurid films and operas .
For the creation of a cappella explore this barren field of contemporary choral composers need to contribute to the cause of a force .
Fang Bing is currently the first creation of a cappella works of so many composers and their works are still in the creative stimulation .
At the same time , she was one of the most important and earliest composers in China who explored a cappella and make a unique contribution to the genre .
A cappella is the pure human voice . it is the manifestation of the highest realm of the choral art , in choral competitions at the highest level of athletic events .
A cappella is a unique form of expression of choral music . The difference between a cappella and other types of chorus is using only the human voice as a performance tool and without playing any instrument .
To be carrier with the two choral repertoires , a female cappella choral works " path " and a female classic works " Ave Maria ", the author studies how to expand the training of the female chorus in the cases .
In terms of the rearranging methods , the composers have made arduous efforts in order to adapt it to the style of the Mongolian music and to explore the choral comp without accompaniment to its maximum extent and they have done a good job .
It is a non-accompany , multi-sound chorus folk art , It has the very important artistic values and the academic values .