
táo dí
  • ocarina;flute made of clay
  1. 陶笛实在是太有趣,我是被深深吸引了。

    It was very interesting and got me greatly interested in the ocarina .

  2. 当然,非常感谢您带来的陶笛,我会经常练习它的。

    And of course , thank you also for the ocarina , I know I 'll be getting lots of use out of it .

  3. 在我国,六千年前的新石器时代遗址中,已有不少陶埙、陶哨、骨笛、石磬等乐器出土。

    In the Chinese ruins of the Neolithic age over 6,000 years ago , musical instruments like pottery xun , pottery whistle , bone flute , stone qing , and tuo drum were excavated .