
táo cí qì
  • chinaware;porcelain;ceramics
  1. 荷花的美展现在陶瓷器、青铜器、金银器、玉石器、砖雕石刻、壁画藻井等方面,至少有40类以上,品种不计其数。

    The image of lotus flower can been seen on chinaware , copperware , gold , silverware , jade article , and brick carving with at least 40 kinds and in large variety .

  2. 瓷器,又称陶瓷或陶瓷器,是陶瓷制品的一种,因其外观美、强度高,所以价值不菲。

    Porcelain , often called china or chinaware , is a type of ceramics highly valued for its beauty and strength .

  3. 器的精神&兼论当代日用陶瓷器的艺术语言

    Spirit of Ware & On Artistic Language of Contemporary Ceramic Tableware

  4. GB/T3534-1990日用陶瓷器铅、镉溶出量测定方法

    Standard testing methods for lead or cadmium release from domestic ceramics

  5. 略谈湖南名窑与陶瓷器的主要特点

    Main Features of Famous Kilns and Porcelains in Hunan Province

  6. GB/T3300-1991日用陶瓷器变形检验方法

    Standard test method for deformation measurement of domestic ceramic ware

  7. 还包含有陶瓷器的事实使得这个发现更不平常。

    The fact that there is pottery involved makes the find even more unusual .

  8. 中国的陶瓷器,蕴含着深厚的文化内涵。

    The pottery contains a profound cultural connotation .

  9. GB/T3303-1982日用陶瓷器缺陷术语

    Terms used of defects of domestic ceramic ware

  10. 日用陶瓷器铅镉溶出量过去、现在和将来

    The Past , the Present and Future of Lead Cadmium Release from Domestic Ceramic Ware

  11. 日本的陶瓷器(类)在美国很受欢迎。

    Japanese ceramics are popular in America .

  12. GB/T3302-1982日用陶瓷器验收、包装、标志、运输、储存规则

    " Rule of acceptance , pack , mark , transport and reserve for domestic ceramic ware "

  13. 特别是青花缠枝莲纹作为主题纹饰或辅助纹饰被大量运用在陶瓷器面上。

    Especially the blue and white interlock branch lotus is used as theme decoration or assistantdecoration on porcelain works .

  14. 传统通用陶瓷器一向被人们重视其表面效果(釉);

    All along , consumers set much store by surface effects ( glaze ) of the traditional curent ceramic wares ;

  15. 釉上大膜花纸品种多样,图案新颖,价格低廉,适合装饰各种陶瓷器型。

    On glaze big film decal Various kinds , new pattern , low price , adapt to decorating all kinds of ceramics .

  16. 窖藏出土文物96件,其中陶瓷器9件,石器13件,铜器73件,骨器1件。

    About 96 cultural relics including ceramics 9 , stone artifacts 13 , bronze wares 73 and bone 1 were unearthed here .

  17. 由于自然环境,北方人形成了粗犷、豪放性格,体现在陶瓷器形上是:大、高等特点。

    Due to natural environment , northerners are rough and bold , and the ceramic works in north China are big and tall .

  18. 这类险别的保险费率将根据货物品类,比如陶瓷器,就根据货物的易碎性而有所不同。

    The rate for such risk will vary according to the kind of commodity , or as in ceramics . According to the fragility of the goods .

  19. 我们曾经打电话给轻工业品公司陶瓷器部,但他们说客户并未要求承保破碎险。

    We rang up the ceramics section of the light industrial products corporation but were told that their customer had not asked for a cover of the risk of breakage .

  20. 本文采用现代测试技术对博罗县梅花墩春秋时期古窑址出土的陶瓷器残片进行了测试分析和工艺技术研究。

    In this paper the unearthed pottery and porcelain shards of Spring and Autumn at ancient Plum Dune Kiln site in Bolo County were examined and studied by modern testing means .

  21. 钴和它的化合物可应用在电镀,陶瓷器、玻璃的染色,制备催化剂、颜料和油漆的干燥剂,以及用作灯丝、肥料中的微量元素等等。

    Cobalt and its compounds are used in electroplating and colouring ceramics and glass and as lamp filaments , catalysts , a trace element in fertilizers , and paint and varnish driers .

  22. 现在我来谈谈因“货物内在缺陷或特性”,诸如:由于物品变质,液体渗漏以及玻璃或陶瓷器破碎所引起的损失。

    Now let us turn to loses through " inherent vice or nature of the subject matter insured ", such as deterioration of food , leakage of liquid and breakage of glass or ceramics .

  23. 陶瓷器首先是为实际生活需要而“造物”的产品,同时又是按着审美规律寻求“造型”的艺术创造。

    Ceramics is first of all the product from the nature to satisfy the needs of daily life , but it 's also the creation of art , with its form obtained in accordance with the aesthetic pursuit .

  24. 馆内收藏各类珍贵文物达12万多件,包括青铜器,陶瓷器,书法,绘画,佛像雕塑,玉器,钱币,玺印等21个门类。

    The museum keeps a collection of over 120 thousand pieces of precious cultural relics in 21 categories such as bronze ware , ceramics , calligraphy works , paintings , buddhist sculptures , jade ware , coins and imperial seals .

  25. 1995年共清理发掘墓葬16座、马坑2座。出土有铜礼器、兵器、车马器,还有陶瓷器,玉石器及骨蚌器等。

    The 1995 season of excavation opened 16 tombs and 2 horse pits , and brought to light bronze ritual vessels , weapons , chariot-and-horse fittings as well as objects made of pottery , jade , stone , bone and shell .

  26. 如同将中国古代设计艺术史的共性和个性用八种形态来阐述一样,避暑山庄也同样存在此特点,具体为:陶瓷器、青铜器、玉器、家具、建筑、金银器、染织品、雕塑。

    Just as the commonness and individuality of Chinese ancient design art history has been illustrated by pottery , bronze ware , jade article , furniture , architecture , bullion article , fabric and sculpture , the eight forms can also help to illustrate Summer Mountain Resort .

  27. 从有“南方的佛罗伦萨”之称的巴洛克风格城镇莱切,到最南边被一片类似加勒比海的海洋环绕的圣玛丽亚迪莱乌卡,再到内陆随处可见葡萄园和陶瓷器的格罗塔列,萨伦托地域广阔,风格多样。

    From the Baroque city of Lecce , known as the Florence of the South , to southernmost Santa Maria di Leuca , which is lapped by a Caribbean-like sea , to the inland Grottaglie , with its vineyards and ceramics , Salento is vast and various .

  28. 多层陶瓷电容器Ni内电极研究进展

    Progress in Research on Ni Inner Electrodes in MLC

  29. 一次烧成SiC边界层陶瓷电容器性能研究

    Study on the Properties of the SiC-based Grain Boundary Capacitors Making by Single-firing Method

  30. 多层陶瓷电容器用(Ba,Sr,Cd)TiO3纳米粉体的制备

    Preparation of nanometer powder of ( ba , sr , cd ) tio_3 for multilayer ceramic capacitor