
  • 网络taormina
  1. 在陶尔米纳山高处的莫罗堡,你可以品尝那里酿造的著名的杏仁酒。

    In Castel Molo , high above Taormina , you can sample the famous almond wine made there .

  2. 一抵达墨西拿后,得找到公车站(和吸烟者的肺一样肮脏),找到坐在卖票亭里自怨自艾的男人,问他能否卖我一张开往滨海小镇陶尔米纳(Taormina)的车票。

    Once I 've arrived in Messina , I have to find a bus station ( grimy as a smoker 's lung ) and find the man whose job it is to sit there in the ticket booth , mourning his life , and see if he will please sell me a ticket to the coastal town of Taormina .

  3. 在西西里岛的度假小城陶尔米纳,她的服饰洋溢着春天的气息。

    In the resort town of Taormina in Sicily , springlike .

  4. 结果在陶尔米纳找到的人是个睡眼惺忪的警察。

    In Taormina , that person turns out to be a sleepy policeman .

  5. 公车在西西里锋芒毕露的东海岸沿着峭壁和海滩颠簸行驶,直到抵达陶尔米纳后,我得找到一辆计程车,然后找一家旅社。

    Then I rattle along the cliffs and beaches of Sicily 's stupendous and hard-edged east coast until I get to Taormina , and then I have to find a taxi and then I have to find a hotel .

  6. 而后得找对人,用意大利语问我最爱的问题:“镇上哪个地方东西最好吃?”结果在陶尔米纳找到的人是个睡眼惺忪的警察。

    Then I have to find the right person of whom to ask my favorite question in Italian : " Where is the best food in this town ? " In Taormina , that person turns out to be a sleepy policeman .