
tǔ fēng wǔ
  • folk dance;country dance
土风舞[tǔ fēng wǔ]
  1. 他曾3次获得国家级土风舞比赛冠军。

    He was a 3-time national country dance champion .

  2. 如果有兴趣大家一起跳土风舞的话,就赶快来参加吧!

    If you are interested in dancing , come join us !

  3. 这土风舞不错吧?

    Is this Portuguese folk dance pretty good ?

  4. 不管怎样,感谢上帝,我们终于消灭了土风舞。

    However , I 'm thankful to God that we stamped out the native dancing .

  5. 比如可以叫“小猪摔跤”、“土风舞”、“谷仓舞”或“狂欢会”。

    Such a party may be called a hog wrassle , a hoedown , a barndance , or shindig .

  6. 第一天晚上,阿班凯市市长亲自欢迎我们的到来,高中学生还表演了当地的土风舞。

    On the first night , the mayor welcomed everyone as the high school children performed a dance of local custom .

  7. 舞蹈:有很多种类的舞蹈供你选择,从柔和的土风舞到热辣的拉丁舞。

    Dance : There are many styles to choose from , everything from smooth country line dancing to hot Latin dancing .

  8. 但是,土风舞完全是另一码事,它不仅本身不道德而且明显地促使人们干出伤风败俗的事来。

    But the native dancing is quite another matter . It 's not only immoral in itself , but it distinctly leads to immorality .

  9. 土风舞是具有地方色彩,不分男女老少人人都能跳的大众化舞蹈。

    National Dance is a dance with local features , it 's popular in whole country to be the traditional dance of the country .