
tǔ mù ɡōnɡ chénɡ shī
  • civil engineer
  1. 而在实际生活中,Bell是一名退休土木工程师。

    In real life , Mr. Bell is a retired civil engineer .

  2. Tranquilor的竞选负责人是海地出生的土木工程师RusselLacroix。

    Mr. Tranquilor 's campaign manager is a Haitian-born civil engineer , Russel Lacroix .

  3. 克里斯·刘易斯会解释布林德利如何为早期“土木工程师”群体教育作出杰出贡献。

    Chris Lewis will explain how Brindley made such a positive contribution to the education of that group of early " civil engineers " .

  4. 英国土木工程师学会(InstituteforCivilEngineers,简称ICE)已成立一个工作组,研究他们如何能最大程度地为与中国企业合作提供便利。

    The Institute for Civil Engineers has established a working group to see how they can best facilitate working with Chinese companies .

  5. 我们已经提供了一个相当合理的价格,为建筑师,设计师,土木工程师和房地产开发商优秀的CAD转换,渲染和动画服务。

    We have been providing excellent CAD conversions , renderings and animation services by a quite reasonable price to architects , designers , civil engineers and real estate developers .

  6. 为此,美国土木工程师协会、美国Duke大学的Gavin和南加州大学的Johnson提出了智能隔震结构Benchmark模型。

    In view of this , ASCE , Gavin of Duke University and Johnson of South California University presents the smart base isolated Benchmark building .

  7. 英国在公路项目工程管理中采用的是土木工程师协会编制的合同法,简称ICE合同条款。其原则方法基本上同我国广泛采用的FIDIC条款。

    The ICE clauses are adopted in the road project management in UK , which is formulated by the Association of Civil Engineers in UK and quite similar to the FIDIC clauses broadly utilized in China .

  8. 艾莉森•瑞索(AlisonRisso)一家就是这种情况。今年39岁的艾莉森是一位负责公关业务的高层管理者,她的收入是她做土木工程师的丈夫乔恩(Jon)的两倍。

    That 's the case with public-relations executive Alison Risso , 39 , who makes twice as much as her husband , Jon , a civil engineer ;

  9. 在国际工程采购和承包领域,影响比较广泛的标准系列合同条件主要有FIDIC合同条件、英国土木工程师学会编制的NEC合同条件等。

    In the field of international project procurement , a series of contract conditions , such as the FIDIC Conditions of Contract , the NEC Conditions of Contract drafted by the Institution of Civil Engineering , are widely applied .

  10. 1月28日,众议院通过了8190亿美元的经济刺激方案,据美国土木工程师学会(ASCE)透露,其中一千亿元将用于基础设施建设。

    On January28th the House passed an $ 819 billion bill with about $ 100 billion devoted to infrastructure , according to the American Society of Civil Engineers ( ASCE ) .

  11. “我们不认为我们[在试验阶段]会走得那么远。”设在意大利Pavia的欧洲地震工程培训研究中心的土木工程师HelenCrowley说。

    " We didn 't think we 'd get that far [ during the pilot stage ] ," said Helen Crowley , a civil engineer at the European Centre for Training and Research in Earthquake Engineering , Pavia , Italy .

  12. 他既不是土木工程师也不是电气工程师。

    He 's neither a civil engineer nor an electrical engineer .

  13. 什么是机械工程师和土木工程师的区别?

    What is the difference between mechanical engineers and civil engineers ?

  14. 因此许多土木工程师专门深入研究施工阶段。

    Many civil engineers therefore specialize in the construction phase .

  15. 机械工程师制造武器,而土木工程师制造(攻击)目标。

    Mechanical engineers build weapons and civil engineers build targets .

  16. 震后房屋损坏引发土木工程师的思考

    Civil Engineer 's Thinkings on Buildings Damage because of Earthquake

  17. 结构的安全性一直是土木工程师关注的重点问题。

    The safety of the structure has been the focus of the civil engineers .

  18. 一般说来,早期的土木工程师很少接受正规教育。

    Early civil engineerings , as a general rule , had very little formal education .

  19. 并且土木工程师像对速度和大小一样对性能感兴趣。

    And the civil engineers are as interested in performance as in speed and size .

  20. 正如我们所知,土木工程师可从事有关建筑方面的多种工作。

    As we have seen , civil engineers work on many different kinds of structures .

  21. 一个在空军或者海军中军衔低于军士长的军士。《空军土木工程师》

    A noncommissioned officer ranking below a master sergeant in the air force or marines .

  22. 专门构造和设计公路及高速公路的土木工程师。

    A civil engineer who specializes in the design and construction of roads and highways .

  23. 我是一个土木工程师。

    I 'm a Civil Engineer .

  24. 他是一位土木工程师。

    He is a civil engineer .

  25. 设计和建设像发射台样的建筑需要土木工程师的参与。

    Civil engineers were necessary in the design and construction of such structures as launching pads .

  26. 美国土木工程师学会

    American Society of Civil Engineers

  27. 土木工程师可以从事研究、设计、养护甚至于销售或管理工作。

    The civil engineer may work in research , design , maintenance , even in sales or management .

  28. 母亲是化学家,父亲是一位土木工程师,她有一个弟弟和一个妹妹。

    Mother is a biochemist , father is a civil engineer and she has a brother and a sister .

  29. 土木工程师使用的模型建立在多年实践的基础上,它们用工程师建立实践土木工程的专用语言来描述。

    The models that civil engineers use are based on many years of practice that are enshrined in engineering codes .

  30. 一个想成为土木工程师的学生,或许需要学习大地测量等课程。

    The student who is preparing to become a civil engineer may deal with such subjects as geodetic surveying , etc.