
  • 网络Potato Soup
  1. 他喝了些土豆汤暖暖身子。

    He warmed himself with the potato soup .

  2. 我们的口粮只是每天分到250克黑面包和一品脱没有调味的土豆汤。

    Our food ration was two-hundred-and-fifty grams of black bread and one pint of unseasoned potato soup each day .

  3. 美食应有尽有,像野蘑菇炖牛肉、白豌豆泥、土豆汤、李子蜜饯等。

    Delicacies such as braised veal cheeks with wild mushrooms , white bean puree , potato soup and plum compote , will all be available .

  4. 洋葱和土豆会让汤煮得更快些。

    I have a few onions and potatoes .