
guǒ dòng
  • jelly
果冻 [guǒ dòng]
  • [jelly] 一种常在果汁中加入明胶而做成的甜点心

果冻[guǒ dòng]
  1. 果冻迅速坚硬起来。

    The jelly firmed quickly .

  2. 果冻鞋(jellyshoes或jellies)是由聚氯乙烯塑料制成的鞋。

    Jelly shoes or jellies are shoes made of PVC plastic .

  3. 果冻上面是一小团看上去有点怪异的人造奶油。

    The jellies were topped with suspiciously synthetic blobs of cream .

  4. 母亲每年都要贮存蜜饯和果冻。

    Mother puts up a keeping [ store ] of preserved fruits and jellies every year .

  5. 另一些则制造出一大块无生命的透明果冻状物质,并将自己在上面铺开。

    Others build a large , clear mass of non-living jelly-like material and spread themselves over it .

  6. 之所以叫jellyshoes,就是因为制造这种鞋的半透明材料会表现出类似果冻那样的色泽。

    Its name refers to the semi-transparent materials with a jelly-like sheen .

  7. 关于果冻鞋的起源,没有一个明确的说法。

    The exact origins of the jelly shoes are unclear .

  8. 我们早餐吃的是烤面包和果冻。

    We had toast and jelly at breakfast .

  9. 她很喜欢吃果冻。

    She likes jello very much .

  10. 很多品牌都生产这种果冻鞋,颜色多样,而且生产时会在材料中添加闪闪的亮片。

    Jelly shoes come in a large variety of brands and colors and the material is frequently infused with glitter .

  11. 像其他上世纪八十年代的时尚潮流一样,果冻鞋自上世纪九十年代以来曾经数次回归时尚前端。

    Like many other fashion trends from the 1980s , jellies have been revived a number of times since the late 1990s .

  12. 果冻鞋在二十世纪八十年代中期曾经很流行,一双鞋售价不到一美元。

    The shoes became a fad1 in the mid2 1980s , when a pair could frequently be purchased for less than one US dollar .

  13. 经常提到的一种说法是,果冻鞋是在二战后由一位法国的鞋匠设计的,当时欧洲正经历皮革短缺。

    A frequently offered explanation is that they were designed by a shoe maker3 in France after World War II , when there was a leather shortage in Europe .

  14. Ithoughnoonewouldfallforthatanymore.我以为现在已经没有人会被这种东西骗了。看来这个果冻也不是什么好东西。fallforsomething,被某物欺骗,上…的当。

    I though no one would fall for that any more .

  15. 而且草莓果冻有维他命C,对吧?

    And strawberry jello has vitamin C , right ?

  16. HPLC法同时测定果冻中的防腐剂、甜味剂

    Simultaneous determination of preservatives and sweetenings in fruit jelly by HPLC

  17. 其果实产量丰富,且富含维他命C,可以用作果冻和果酱的原料,还可以用来酿造一种烈酒。

    The abundant crop of fruit-high in vitamin C-is the source of jelly and jam as well as the basis for a potent liquor .

  18. Chris,给我弄个花生酱果冻三明治

    Chris , go make me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich .

  19. 像我叔叔Ed,被果冻包着

    Ross : Kind of like my uncle Ed , covered in Jello .

  20. 许多本地人的应对之道,是开办临时的果冻工厂,刘洪园也是其中之一,他们中多数人使用universal这一品牌。

    Mr Liu is one of many residents who responded by setting up a makeshift jelly operation , mostly using the brand name " universal " .

  21. 此外,为了对抗苹果的iPhone5,谷歌似乎已经准备好在今年晚些时候发布安卓5.0果冻豆(JellyBean)。

    And Google seems ready to match an iPhone 5 with jelly bean , aka Android 5.0 , later this year .

  22. 做法很简单,把所有你看到的东东用一层“果冻”冻好,冰箱里搁一会就OK。我很爱吃哦!

    Freeze all the stuff with a special jelly and put it in the fridge for a while ! then serve ! I like it ! Made by Monica .

  23. One搭载了谷歌(Google)Android最新版本——果冻豆,但HTC同时还搭载了自家软件Sense5.0。

    The One runs Android Jelly Bean , Google 's ( GOOG , Fortune 500 ) latest , but HTC 's own software , dubbed Sense 5.0 , operates on top .

  24. 与流星雨和UFO相关联,天使的发丝或是外星果冻是由空气粒子变成的暂时的物质。

    Associated with meteor showers and UFOs , Angel Hair or Star Jelly is a temporary substance formulated from air particles .

  25. 对手机游戏开发商、果冻飞溅(JellySplash)的出品商Wooga而言,一名外籍雇员抱怨自己从未真正融入柏林生活并离职,是情况不对的第一个苗头。

    For mobile games developer Wooga , maker of Jelly Splash , the first indication something was wrong came when a foreign employee quit , complaining that she had never properly settled into life in Berlin .

  26. 主厨MarcGuilbert制作的这块华丽布丁混合着一块轻薄的饼干蛋糕和香槟果冻,还加入了桃子、橙子和威士忌。

    Chef Marc Guilbert layered the flamboyant pudding with a light biscuit joconde and champagne jelly , infused with peach , orange and whiskey .

  27. GalaxyS5配备有防水外壳,无论是泡在鸡尾酒里、掉进马桶里还是彻夜浸在草莓果冻中,它都能安然无恙。(是的,我都试过。)

    The Galaxy S5 has a waterproof exterior that survived a dunking in a margarita , a plunge in to a toilet , and left overnight in strawberry Jell-O. ( Yes , I tried . )

  28. 结果:EUS检查15例中,8例单纯胆总管单个结石、4例胆囊及胆总管泥沙结石、3例胆囊及胆总管浓缩胆汁(果冻状),均得到手术证实。

    Results : In the 15 cases , 8 cases with only one stone in the common bile duct , 4 cases with silt stone in gallbladder and common bile duct , 3 cases with dense bile in gallbladder and common bile duct were confirmed by operation .

  29. 本文分析了在果冻生产过程中常见的几种质量异常现象,进行了200g果肉果冻不同摆杯方式的杀菌效果试验、慕司果冻气泡和白色倾斜改善试验、企鹅机断圈分析试验。

    The common problems during jelly production were studied . The sterilization experiment of 200g jelly with pulp , the air bubble and white layer slant experiment of mousse jelly , the experiment of ring break of the penguin machine were done .

  30. 低热量保健冰淇淋的研制低热海带保健果冻的研究

    Research on ice-cream of low calorie Preparation of Low-heat Kelp jelly