
guǒ shí
  • fruit;fructification;gains
果实 [guǒ shí]
  • [fruit] 同果 1

  • 大黄其实是一片叶子的叶柄,却被当成果实

果实[guǒ shí]
  1. 毛虫钻入果实,并在其中生长为成虫。

    The caterpillars tunnel into the fruit to grow and mature .

  2. 这种果实颇似甜栗子。

    The fruit is rather like a sweet chestnut

  3. 科学家将研究各种树木,并观察哪些会结果实。

    The scientists will study the variety of trees and observe which are fruiting .

  4. 把果实切成两半,检查一下其中的籽:如果有点成棕色,那就该收获了。

    Cut the fruit in half and inspect the pips : if they are turning slightly brown it is ready for harvesting .

  5. 果实重得把树枝都压弯了。

    The fruit was so heavy that it weighed the branches down .

  6. 我们保卫了我们的胜利果实。

    We have defended the fruits of our victory .

  7. 成熟的果实压弯了树枝。

    The branches bent low with ripened fruits .

  8. 袁世凯迅速篡夺了辛亥革命的胜利果实。

    Yuan Shikai quickly seized the fruits of the victory of the 1911 Revolution .

  9. 果实成熟期使这种表现型特征可能明显地起一些作用。

    Fruit maturity may play a part in phenotypic characterization .

  10. 果实累累的苹果树枝低垂到地面。

    The branches hung down to the ground with the weight of the apples .

  11. 今年我的果园果实累累。

    My orchard is bearing well this year .

  12. 这些树果实累累。

    These trees are fruitful .

  13. 很多果实入药,用作能量提升剂。

    Many made their way into medicines , intended as a kind of energy boost .

  14. 该昆虫也叫番茄叶虫,以果实为食物,并钻入植株的茎内移动来破坏农作物。

    The insect , also known as the tomato leaf miner , devastates crops by feeding on fruits and digging into and moving through stalks .

  15. 在西非,人们咀嚼可乐果来作为兴奋剂已有较长的历史了,因为这些果实中含有咖啡因,在茶叶、咖啡和巧克力中也存在咖啡因。

    In West Africa , people have long chewed kola nuts as stimulants , because they contain caffeine that also occurs naturally in tea , coffee , and chocolate .

  16. 尽管其果实需要保持湿润,运输中易被损坏,商人们还是不远万里穿越森林和草原运送它们。

    Even though the nuts , which need to stay moist , can be somewhat delicate to transport , traders carried them hundreds of miles throughout the forests and grasslands .

  17. 于是葡萄牙人加入其贸易,将这种果实和其他商品一起沿海岸线运出,但直到1620年英国探险家理查德·乔布森来到赞比亚时,可乐果在他看来依然十分稀奇。

    And while the Portuguese took part in the trade , ferrying nuts down the coast along with other goods , by 1620 , when English explorer Richard Jobson made his way up the Gambia , the nuts were still peculiar to his eyes .

  18. 它的果实可以制成橄榄油。

    Its fruit can be made into olive oil .

  19. 有些长着鲜艳的橙色果实。

    Some have bright orange fruits .

  20. 如果他把树栽在他家附近,孩子们就会来摘果实。

    If he planted the tree near his house , his children would take the fruit .

  21. 如果我把树栽在自己的房边,我自己的孩子们就可以摘取到果实。

    If I had planted it near my house , my own children would have taken the fruit .

  22. 一些昆虫在地上的山毛榉果实中冬眠。

    The insects have hibernated in beech mast on the ground .

  23. 有分裂的常青叶子和黑色小而圆的果实的旧大陆藤蔓植物

    Old World vine with lobed evergreen leaves and black berrylike fruits .

  24. 很快,花朵凋谢,果实长了出来。

    Soon the flowers drop off , and the fruit takes their place .

  25. 被包在肉质果实内的这种植物的豆样种子。

    The bean like seeds of this plant , enclosed within a pulpy fruit .

  26. 当他们的目的达到以后,他们便凋谢零落,就象脱却果实的空壳一样。

    When their object is attained they fall off like empty hulls from the kernel .

  27. 橡树的果实是一种棕色的小坚果,名叫橡子。

    The fruit of the oak is a small brown nut , which is called an acorn3 .

  28. 如果要享受甜美的胜利果实,当然要应付这些战绩不佳的指责压力

    If you 're going to enjoy the good times , you 've certainly got to deal with some potholes .

  29. 他们漫步走进果园,只见果实累累,结满了苹果,英语小故事那些树都被压弯了腰,而又一棵树上一个苹果也没有。

    They saw that all the trees were bending under a heavy load of apples . Except one tree on which there were no apples at all .

  30. 例如,他向自己的孩子们演示了如何将鸡粪用作肥料,而植物生长出来的果实可以喂鸡。

    For example , he demonstrated to his children how chicken manure can be used as fertilizer , while fruits grown from the plant can then be fed to the chicken .