
guǒ shù
  • fruit tree;fruiter
果树 [guǒ shù]
  • [fruit tree] 生产食用果实的一种树

果树[guǒ shù]
  1. 市场的需求以及.NET技术的推出,使基于B/S计算模式的果树专家系统具有广阔的应用前景。

    NET technology and the demand of the market , the fruiter expert system based on B / S computing mode will have a bright future of application .

  2. 基于LAI测试的精确人造果树模型

    Precision manmade fruiter model based on LAI test

  3. 他说他打算种植果树和蔬菜。

    He says he plans to plant fruit trees and vegetables .

  4. 你花园里的果树也许已经落了一地的苹果、梨或李子。

    The trees in your garden may have covered the ground with apples , pears or plums

  5. 春天到了,果树发芽了。

    It was springtime and the fruit trees were in bud .

  6. 果树满山坡。

    The slope was covered with fruit trees .

  7. 新栽的果树正在茁壮成长。

    The young fruit trees are growing well .

  8. 这种果树在每年夏末结果。

    The fruit tree fruits in late summer .

  9. 房子前后都是果树。

    There are fruit trees in front and at the back of the house .

  10. 这些果树是约瑟夫的宝贝。

    The black currant trees were the apple of joseph 's eye .

  11. 果树开出美丽的花。

    The fruit trees have blossomed out beautifully .

  12. 他正在绑扎果树。

    He is bandaging fruit trees .

  13. 他种植蔬菜、果树,甚至养蜂采蜜。

    He planted vegetables , fruit trees and even kept bees for honey .

  14. 探讨了从木本果树韧皮部提取DNA的方法。

    A rapid DNA extraction protocol from deciduous tree phloem was studied .

  15. 一种木本果树基因组DNA提取方法研究

    A method for genomic DNA preparation of woody fruit crops

  16. 我们今年种了很多果树(tree)。

    We have planted many fruit trees this year .

  17. DNA分子标记在落叶果树上的应用

    Application of DNA molecular marker in deciduous fruit tree

  18. 果树R基因同源序列克隆的初步研究

    A Preliminary Study on the Cloning of Resistance Gene Analogs in Fruit Trees

  19. 果树核DNA提取、目的基因分离与克隆技术研究进展

    Advances in the techniques for extraction of nuclear DNA and isolation and cloning of target genes in fruit trees

  20. 几种东北果树DNA提取及RAPD鉴定

    Extraction of Genome DNA of Some Kinds of Fruit Trees and Identification of RAPD

  21. 果树组织中总RNA提取的新方法

    New Methods for Total RNA Extraction in Fruit Trees

  22. 花芽分化是果树生长发育最重要的生理过程之一,而有关Ca和CaM的研究又是当今生理学研究的最活跃的领域。

    Flower differentiation is one of the most important physiological processes in the growth and development of fruit trees .

  23. 果树EST在果实发育和成熟研究中的应用

    Application of fruit crop EST in studies on fruit development and ripening

  24. 果树施给N、P、K、Ca等营养元素,会对果实品质产生不同的影响,这些元素的效应,不仅与其数量也与各元素之间的平衡有关。

    It exerts different effects on quality of fruit giving nutrition elements , such as N , P , K , Ca , to fruit trees .

  25. 果树VA菌根的研究与应用

    Research and Application on Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhiza of Fruit Trees

  26. 综述了随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)技术在多年生园艺植物(特别是果树)品种鉴定、种质资源及其育种研究中的应用现状。

    The paper summarizes the application of the technique of RAPD on the variety-identify - the investigation of germplasm-resource and breeding in the gardening-plant .

  27. 果树2n配子产生及应用研究进展

    Research progress of the occurrence and utilization of 2n gametes in fruit trees

  28. 在良好的土壤水分条件下,4种果树的RT随着土壤相对持水量的下降而迅速延长,并在土壤水分含量降低到一临界值以下时维持在24h。

    RT increased sharply as soil drying , then remained 24 hr if the soil water content was under a critical level .

  29. 可转化人工染色体(TAC)克隆载体及其在果树基因工程研究中的应用前景

    Transformation - competent Artificial Chromosome ( TAC ) Cloning Vector and its Application Prospects in Fruit Genetic Engineering

  30. 随着该项技术在植物研究领域的普及,在果树上的应用也越来越广泛,特别是在基因表达研究与果树病害的病原检测上,实时PCR技术已越来越成为果树研究的一项常规技术。

    As the application in plant research growing , real-time PCR has become an important and routine technique for fruit researchers , especially for whom carrying out studies on gene expression and pathogen detection .