
fēi shēnɡ wù huán jìnɡ
  • abiotic environment
  1. 物理化学指标是检测生态系统的非生物环境的指标。

    The physical chemical indicators relate to the abiotic environment of an ecosystem .

  2. 这种酶通过活化状态的改变调节信号脂质分子的含量,以应对具体的生物或非生物环境的变化。

    Activation of phospholipase modulates the output of signaling lipids to respond to the specific changed biotic or abiotic environment .

  3. 高浓度的PBDEs已经在不同的非生物环境包括水、沉积物、大气、室内空气及各种生物体中被检出。

    High concentrations of PBDEs have been found in various abiotic environmental sectors , including water , sediments , air , indoor dust , and in different organisms .

  4. 森林与所在空间的非生物环境有机地结合在一起,构成完整的生态系统。

    Forest and abiotic environment of the forest organically combined , to form a complete ecosystem .

  5. 这里我们可以回想起这样一种情况,即十分相似的非生物环境产生了十分不相似的植物区系。

    We may recall here that very similar abiotic environments have given rise to a very dissimilar flora .

  6. 畜牧生态环境优化包括生物环境因素优化和非生物环境因素优化。但是,到目前为止,首先要求非生物因素优化。

    Optimization of biotic and abiotic environmental factors were involved , but that of the abiotic should have the first priority .

  7. 本文对北京东灵山地区的辽东栎林主要优势乔木物种的幼苗库结构与动态进行了研究,同时考察了多个生物与非生物环境因子对于幼苗库的影响。

    In this paper , seedling bank structure and dynamics of the main dominant tree species in Beijing Dongling oak forest has been studied .

  8. 系统耦合的基础为非生物环境的空间异质性,基本条件为具有类型相同并且相互连通的廊道。

    The fundament of system coupling is heterogeneity , and the basic prerequisite is that there are connective corridors in the same type between ecosystems .

  9. 干旱、高盐和低温等非生物环境以及生物胁迫严重影响了植物的生长发育和限制作物的产量。

    Abiotic stresses such as drought , salinity or low temperature are major environmental factors that have adverse effects on plant growth and limit crop production .

  10. 在非生物环境胁迫因子中,盐胁迫是造成农作物减产的主要因素之一。

    Soil salinity , one of the major abiotic stresses that can be able to reduce agricultural productivity , affects large terrestrial areas of the world .

  11. 非生物环境因素优化包括小气候优化和充分运用现代科学技术成就,改进饲养管理条件,以提高畜禽生产性能。

    Optimization of abiotic environmental factors included the microclimate , full application of morden scientific and technological achievements and improvement of management to increase the productivity of animal-poultry .

  12. 根据大熊猫生境分布特点,将影响大熊猫生境质量的因素分为非生物环境因子、生物环境因子和干扰因子,探讨大熊猫生境评价的指标体系,为大熊猫栖息地评价提供参考。

    The key factors affecting the behaviors and reproduction of giant panda are divided into three categories : abiological environmental factors , biological environmental factors and impacts factors .

  13. 随后利用协整分析法对科技企业进化的非生物环境进行分析,探索了R&D经费支出与高技术产业大中型企业新产品销售收入之间的因果关系。

    And then , the dissertation has disclosed the abiotic environment using cointegration analysis , explored the causal relationship between R & D expenditure and sales revenue of new products .

  14. 非生物环境因子对用暴发性流行病病原实验感染的中国对虾发病的影响

    BIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT OF RELEASING CHINESE SHRIMP ( PENAEUS ORIENTAL IS ) IN THE NORTHERN YELLOW SEA Effects of non biologic environmental factors on Penaeus chinensis infected by the explosive epidemic disease virus

  15. 系统耦合的景观生态学机制为非生物环境的空间分异和各种干扰导致的景观异质化,各种干扰是系统耦合的介质。

    The landscape ecological mechanism of system coupling is the spatial difference of non biotic environment and the heterogeneity caused by disturbances . The force or energy of system coupling is disturbances .

  16. 结果表明,生态需水计算的关键是要核算维持生产者的正常生命活动和非生物环境分别向外界释放的水量,不同类型的生态系统对核算的侧重点也不相同。

    It is shown that the most important parts of ecological water demand include the water sustaining the producers ' normal activities in life and the water for adapting the abiotic environment .

  17. 不同程度的沙埋是生长在干旱和半干旱区内陆沙丘的植物经常遭遇的事件,沙埋可以改变植物所处的生物和非生物环境条件。

    In arid and semi_arid inland deserts , a major environmental stress for the plants is recurrent sand burial , which can influence the physical and biotic microenvironment of the plants and soil .

  18. 根据1984~1985年对海城西四渔场养鱼他的生态学调查材料,论述了鱼池生态系统的非生物环境、生物群落、初级生产力以及能量转化效率。

    Based on the data of ecological surveys in 1984 and 1985 , the abiotic environment , community of species , primary productivity and energy conversion efficiency in the ecosystem of fish-raising ponds were described .

  19. 从海洋生态系统的生物组分、非生物环境、生理生态过程及其相互作用三个方面入手,由生态学的视角阐明了海洋生态系统外在价值形成的内在机制。

    On the basis of the biological components , the abiotic environment and the ecological processes of marine ecosystem , it illustrates the internal formation mechanism of marine ecosystem extrinsic value with the perspective of ecology .

  20. 这些问题的阐明涉及到种群的繁殖系统、个体数量、年龄结构、更新能力、增长模式、收获技术及其与生物和非生物环境的关系等。

    The explication of the above mentioned issues involved propagating system , individual number , age structure , renewal ability , growth mode and harvesting technique of population , and involved their relations with biological and abiological environments .

  21. 放牧后牧草生理活动变化与牧草遗传特性、种间竞争、家畜放牧特征、非生物环境等因素密切相关。

    The effect of grazing on the physiological processes of herbage had a close relationship with the genetic characteristics of herbage , inter-specific competition , grazing characteristics of livestock , and environmentally abiotic factors such as light , heat , water and soil .

  22. 这些机制包括:个体发育、生理、行为和遗传过程对生物与非生物环境的反应及这些过程对自身所在的种群、群落和栖息地的影响;

    The mechanisms include : responses of ontogenetic physiological , behavioral , and genetic processes to the abiotic and biotic environmental variables and variability , and the overall consequences of these responses from individual organisms on the population , community and habitat that they belong to ;

  23. 在非生物胁迫环境下植物体内产生、积累的活性氧对植物造成了氧胁迫。

    The production and accumulation of reactive oxygen species ( ROS ) cause oxidative stress under these abiotic conditions .

  24. 自然界的生物和非生物因受环境条件的综合影响而表现出的季节性现象。

    Nature of the biotic and abiotic environmental conditions due to the combined effects of which show the seasonal phenomenon .

  25. 根据毒性等级及划分标准,明确了这几种农药的毒性大小和毒性等级,并评价了其对非靶标生物的环境毒性影响。

    Consulting the toxicity degrees and the division standards , defining the toxic levels and toxic degrees of the five pesticides and evaluating the environmental toxic effects on non-target organisms .

  26. 因此开发生物活性高、对非靶标生物安全、环境相容性好的杀菌剂已成为杀菌剂研究的重要课题。

    So to discover high biological activity , biosafety on non-target , environmental compatibility microbial fungicides is a great topic of the fungicide .

  27. 文中介绍了非编码RNA在植物生长发育、非生物环境胁迫适应性的调控作用以及调节途径的研究进展。

    The paper discussed the updated researches on noncoding RNA regulatory functions in plant growth and development , and adaptation to abiotic surrounding stressors , as well as regulatory pathways .