
fēi zhěnɡ bèi tǐ
  • aneuploid;dysploid
  1. 非整倍体所描述是单倍体数目(n)并非成倍增加。

    Aneuploid describes chromosome numbers which are not multiples of the haploid number ( n ) . Something increased twofold .

  2. VIP、CEA阳性标本大多数为异倍体(16/20,9/11),这些异倍体均表现为非整倍体。

    Tumors with expression of VIP and CEA were mostly aneuploid .

  3. DNA非整倍体是恶性肿瘤的特征性标志之一。

    DNA aneuploidy is one of the characteristics of malignant tumors .

  4. 用FISH技术研究人类体外未受精卵的21号染色体非整倍体

    FISH Study of Human Oocytes Failed to Fertilize in vitro Characterised with Chromosome 21 Aneuploidy

  5. 胃癌DNA非整倍体的临床意义及其与癌基因扩增的关系

    The clinical significance of the aneuploid in stomach cancer and its relationship to the amplification of oncogenes

  6. 结合随访认为对出现DNA非整倍体的先天性中胚层肾瘤以单纯切除及定期复查为最好。

    For congenital mesoblastic nephroma with DNA aneuploid , simple resection and regular follow up are advisable .

  7. DNA指数和DNA非整倍体率可作为制定急性白血病患者化疗方案时的重要参考指标。

    DNA index and aneuploidy may be regards as an important reference in prescribing chemotherapy regiments for acute leukemia .

  8. 结论:双色荧光原位杂交(FISH)方法可以用于测定人精子染色体非整倍体率的变化。

    Conclusion The two-color FISH method can be used to detect the aneuploid frequency in chromosome of human sperms .

  9. 染色体的不稳定就会导致非整倍体的发生,这样DNA的记忆单位就会丢失或重复。

    Chromosomal instability leads to a condition known as aneuploidy , in which chunks of DNA are either missing or duplicated .

  10. 人类X染色体着丝粒区α卫星DNA变异与非整倍体关系研究

    DNA , respectively . Information DNA Relation between Variation of Centromeric Alpha Satellite DNA on Human X Chromosome and Aneuploidy

  11. 非整倍体率为76.19%(48/63例),以DNA超二倍体为主;

    Aneuploid frequency was 76 . 19 % ( 48 / 63 cases ) , the DNA hyperdiploidy was occupied a dominant position ;

  12. 数目暴增千倍之多。非整倍体所描述是单倍体数目(n)并非成倍增加。

    Its numbers shall be increased a thousand thousand fold Aneuploid describes chromosome numbers which are not multiples of the haploid number ( n ) .

  13. 观察具有CD34抗原表达和存在DNA非整倍体的急性白血病(AL)的短期临床疗效。

    To evaluate the short period clinical outcome of CD34 expression and DNA aneuploid in acute leukemia ( AL ) .

  14. DNA倍体分析结果示融合细胞为多倍体及非整倍体细胞,随细胞代数的增长,非整倍体细胞所占比例增加。

    DNA ploidy analysis showed that fusion cells consisted of polyploid and aneuploid cells and with the increase of passages the proportion of aneuploid cells increased . 6 .

  15. 人体正常的体细胞有恒定的DNA2倍体含量,细胞癌变过程中伴随DNA含量的改变,DNA非整倍体细胞是恶性肿瘤的特异性标志。

    The content of DNA deploid exit in normal somatic cell eternally which will alter when the neoplasms occurs . The cell DNA aneuploid is the characteristic symbol .

  16. 丙烯酰胺非整倍体诱发效应的荧光原位杂交和CREST染色的研究

    The study on the aneuploidy of acrylamide with fluorescent in situ hybridization and crest staining

  17. 铅和汞诱发非整倍体效应的CREST染色微核实验研究

    Study on the aneuploid effects of lead and mercury using micronucleus assay and CREST staining

  18. P(53)表达量与鼻鳞癌DNA倍体相关,非整倍体肿瘤P(53)表达量高于二倍体肿瘤。

    The quantity of P_ ( 53 ) protein expression was associated with DNA ploidy in nasal squamous cancer ; that in aneuploid tumors was higher than that in diploid ones .

  19. 因此建议用FISH对这些患者植入前的胚胎进行非整倍体的筛查,选取正常胚胎进行移植,以提高种植率和妊娠率,降低流产率。

    So these patients are suggested to detect aneuploidy using FISH to screen normal embryos to increase pregnancy rate and live birth rate and reduce abortion rate .

  20. p53异常和非整倍体通常共存于人类肿瘤中,而四倍体则被认为是正常的二倍体细胞转化到非整倍体细胞的中间体,且其也与p53的异常密切相关。

    P53 abnormality and aneuploidy often coexist in human tumors , and tetraploidy is considered as an intermediate between normal diploidy and aneuploidy .

  21. 结果在不典型、恶性脑膜瘤细胞中,非整倍体比例、SPF、PI显著性增高(P<0.01);

    Results DNA aneuploidy and SPF , PI were significantly higher in atypical , anaplastic meningiomas ( P < 0.01 );

  22. 反复IVF-ET失败与卵细胞染色体的非整倍体异常

    Correlation between repeated IVF-ET failure and oocyte aneuploidy

  23. 荧光原位杂交和CREST染色对甲基丙烯酸环氧丙酯的非整倍体诱发效应的研究

    Study of the aneuploid effect of glycidyl methacrylate ( gma ) using fluorescence in situ hybridization and crest staining

  24. 结果显示:①DNA非整倍体与胃癌的肝脏转移密切相关(P<0.01),但与卵巢和淋巴结转移无明显相关;

    The result showed : ① DNA aneuploid was closely related to metastasis of stomach cancer to liver ( P < 0 01 ), but not related to metastasis of lymph nodes and metastasis to ovary ;

  25. 方法用生物素标记的α-卫星X染色体特异DNA探针与接触CS2工人精子DNA进行荧光原位杂交(FISH),测定X染色体非整倍体率。

    Methods The frequencies of human sperm aneuploidy for chromosome X were detected by using fluorescence in situ hybridization ( FISH ) with α satellite X chromosome specific DNA probe .

  26. 41例做FCM-DNA倍体分析,检出DNA非整倍体26例(63.4%)。

    The 41 of 65 cases were evaluated by FCM-DNA . The incidence of aneuploidy was 63.4 % .

  27. PAPP-A在妊娠中、晚期对非整倍体胎儿的筛查

    Screening for Fetal Aneuploidy by Maternal Serum PAPP-A in the Second and Third Trimester

  28. WD5和WD9诱发小鼠生殖细胞及早期胚胎非整倍体

    Research on Aneuploidy Induced by WD_5 and WD_9 in Germ Cells and Early Embryos of Mice

  29. 与其他性染色体非整倍体不同,XXX核型的患者并没有显著的身体特征。

    Unlike other sex chromosome aneuploidy , there are no general characteristic physical features for triple X patients .

  30. SNP基因芯片结合多重置换扩增技术检测单细胞非整倍体的研究混合法用于基因芯片数据的分类分析

    Detection of Aneuploidy from Single Cells by Array-Comparative Genetic Hybridization A Combined Method Applied to the Classification of Microarray Gene Expression Data