
  • 网络atypical pathogen
  1. 结果772例患儿中,非典型病原体感染212例,感染率27.5%,其中MP肺炎125例,阳性率16.2%(125/772);

    Result Atypical pathogen were found in 212 out of 772 children , infection rate were 27.5 % ;

  2. 目的探讨昆明地区小儿肺炎中非典型病原体感染情况。

    Objective To Investigate the infection state of atypical pathogen by pneumonia of children in Kunming area .

  3. 多重PCR荧光微球检测支气管肺洗液非典型病原体和病毒的临床意义

    Multiplexed PCR Fluorescent Microspheres Detection of Atypical Organism and Virus in Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid

  4. 目的对引起社区获得性肺炎(CAP)的病原体进行流行病学调查,提高对非典型病原体的认识。

    Objective To study the pathogens in community-acquired pneumonia ( CAP ) and improve the knowledge of atypical pathogens .

  5. 病毒、非典型病原体及混合感染在婴儿组、幼儿组、儿童组之间差异显著,具有统计学意义(P0.05)。

    Viruses and atypical microorganisms and mixed infection in the infant group , child care groups , children groups significant difference was statistically significant ( P0.05 ) .

  6. 结论IL-8可作为儿童急性上呼吸道感染性疾病中细菌性感染与病毒性感染、非典型病原体感染的鉴别指标。

    Conclusion IL-8 can be regarded as a detective marker among bacterial infection , viral infection and atypical pathogen infection in children with upper respiratory infection .

  7. 目的:对非典型病原体与细菌感染所致社区获得性肺炎(CAP)的治疗进行分析,以指导经验性治疗CAP的抗生素选择。

    Objective : To analyze the therapeutic efficacy of community acquired pneumonia ( CAP ) caused by atypical pathogens and bacteria , in order to guide the experimental therapeutic choice of antibiotics for CAP .

  8. 非典型病原体所致社区获得性肺炎的实验研究

    An experimental study of atypical pathogens leading to community acquired pneumonia

  9. 经验治疗抗菌药物的选择,应覆盖非典型病原体。

    Antibiotic treatment for CAP patients should cover atypical pathogens .

  10. 非典型病原体与细菌感染所致社区获得性肺炎的治疗

    Therapeutic analysis of community acquired pneumonia caused by atypical pathogens and bacteria

  11. 四种非典型病原体中,单项感染以肺炎支原体感染为主。

    Four atypical pathogens , a single infection with Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection based .

  12. 非典型病原体引起下呼吸道感染的调查

    Atypical Organism Detected in Patients with Community - acquired Lower Respiratory Tract Infections

  13. 支气管-肺部感染中非典型病原体的表达

    Expression of Chlamydia and Mycoplasma in Refractory Bronchopulmonary Infection

  14. 各国社区获得性肺炎指南对非典型病原体的重视情况

    The importance of atypical pathogens to the guidelines of community acquired pneumonia in the world

  15. 综述:经验性覆盖非典型病原体的治疗不降低社区获得性肺炎住院患者的死亡率

    Review : empirical atypical coverage does not reduce mortality in hospitalized patients with community acquired pneumonia

  16. 结论阿奇霉素治疗急性社区获得性下呼吸道细菌和非典型病原体感染有良好的临床细菌学疗效和安全性。

    Conclusion Azithromycin infusion is efficient and safe for the treatment of acute community-acquired low respiratory infection .

  17. 结果:在本研究的154例社区获得性肺炎患者中,多重感染27例,细菌合并非典型病原体感染较常见。

    Results Multiple infections such as bacteria and atypical pathogens intermixed infections were common in 154 patients with CAP in city Hefei .

  18. 口服头孢类对肺炎支原体等非典型病原体基本无作用,但喹诺酮类和大环内酯类新品种对其疗效极佳。

    The oral cephalosporins do not have any effect on atypical mycobacteria such as Mycoplasma pneumoniae but new quinolones and macrolides are very effective .

  19. 我们在世界不同的区域,根据非典型病原体确定调查社区获得性肺炎发病率,并且在同一地区调查社区获得性非典型肺炎发病率与对非典型肺炎治疗之间的关系。

    We sought to correlate the incidence of CAP due to atypical pathogens in different regions of the world with the proportion of patients treated with an atypical regimen in those same regions .

  20. 结果:患者中86例患者病原学检测阳性52例,其中细菌阳性34例,非典型病原体15例,细菌和非典型病原体混合感染3例,嗜血杆菌属是社区获得性肺炎的主要致病菌之一。

    Result : Pathogens were identified in 52 patients . Among them there were 34 cases of bacterial infections , 15 cases of atypical pathogens , and 3 cases of mixed infection . Hemophilus was one of the major pathogenic bacteria of CAP .

  21. 方法:对244例≥2岁的社区获得性肺炎患者留取呼吸道分泌物进行细菌培养,同时采用聚合酶链反应方法、血清学方法和尿抗原测定法检测非典型病原体。

    Methods : 244 immunocompetent patients ≥ 2 years old with CAP from 5 hospitals in Shanghai were enrolled in the study . Bacterial culture of respiratory tract exudates , PCR and serological tests in paired serum samples and urine antigen test for Legionella pneumoniae were detected .

  22. 结论应高度重视小儿非典型肺炎病原体感染,双份血清检测对非典型病原体感染具有确诊意义。

    Conclusion Should value pneumonia of atypical pathogen in children , the paired serum samples were detected have important diagnostic significance .

  23. 据最近一项来自欧洲呼吸杂志研究表明:非典型呼吸道病原体在慢性阻塞性肺疾病恶化加剧中并无意义。

    We investigated the presence of these atypical pathogens in sputum samples in patients with stable COPD and those with AECOPD using real-time PCR .

  24. 目的分离和鉴定引起广东省非典型肺炎的病原体。

    Objective To isolate and identify pathogen of atypical pneumonia in Guangdong .

  25. [背景和目的]嗜肺军团菌是一种环境感染性致病菌,可引起严重的急性呼吸道传染病,是非典型肺炎的重要病原体之一。

    Background and Objective Legionella pneumophila is environmental infectious pathogens that can cause severe acute respiratory infectious diseases . It is one of the most important pathogen of atypical pneumonia .

  26. 传染性非典型肺炎临床诊断病例血清标本不同非典型肺炎病原体抗体检测

    Antibody Test of Different SARS Pathogens in the Serum Samples of the Clinically Diagnosed Cases of Infectious Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome