
  • 网络Gold standard;golden standard
  1. 以在线状态下有经验医师的人工判断作为微栓子信号(MES)识别、计数的黄金标准,观察、分析双门深TCD和TCD-8软件检测MES的敏感性和特异性。

    Detection of MES online by an experienced investigator was used as the gold standard .

  2. 正当美国顶尖商学院将两年制工商管理硕士(mba)课程作为黄金标准加以推广时,他却有不同看法。

    While the top US schools promote the two-year MBA as the gold standard , he has different views .

  3. 事实上,DB2Connect驱动程序已成为评价市场上所有其他DB2驱动程序的黄金标准。

    In fact , the DB2 Connect drivers have become the gold standard by which all other DB2 drivers in the marketplace are measured .

  4. IBM能够从头开始重新设计产品从而再度成为企业实时协作的黄金标准吗?

    Can IBM go back to the drawing board and re-architect a product so that it is once again the gold standard in corporate real-time collaboration ?

  5. 提到高级工商管理硕士(ExecutiveMBA)课程,宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院(Wharton-Univ.ofPennsylvania)算得上是黄金标准。

    As far as Executive MBA programs go , the Wharton version has pretty much become the gold standard .

  6. 尽管分析师们承认RIM目前仍是企业市场的黄金标准,但苹果正在这片市场中迅速走强。

    Analysts acknowledge that rim ( RIMM ) remains the gold standard in the enterprise for now , but apple is gaining traction in the corporate world .

  7. HTC称,这将为这个至今难有进展的行业提供一个黄金标准。

    HTC claimed that this will bring a gold standard for an industry that has , until now , struggled to move .

  8. 希拉里曾在任国务卿时将12国参与的《跨太平洋伙伴关系》(Trans-PacificPartnership,简称TPP)描述为全球贸易规则的黄金标准。

    As secretary of state , Mrs Clinton described the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership ( TPP ) as the gold standard of global trade rules .

  9. 分析人士估计,项目所有者现在正以每吨约4欧元的价格出售基于黄金标准的碳排放信用,而cdm的碳排放信用价格为每吨8欧元左右。

    Analysts estimate project owners are now selling carbon credits based gold standard for about 4 per tonne , and CDM credits for about 8 per tonne .

  10. 由于宝马3系一向被公认为豪华轿车的黄金标准,五年前通用决定也推出一款入门级豪华车来与宝马3系进行竞争,因此ATS就连尺寸都与宝马3系差不多。

    Because the 3 Series routinely is voted the gold standard of luxury sedans , GM decided five years ago to proceed with an entry that goes head-to-head with nearly the exact dimensions .

  11. 以子宫切除术后病理诊断为黄金标准,宫腔镜的灵敏度和特异度分别为100%和98.54%,阳性预测值86.67%,阴性预测值100%(ROC曲线下面积:0.982);

    Hysteroscopy revealed sensitivity 100 % , specificity 98.9 % , positive predictive value 90.0 % and negative predictive value 100 % according to histologic findings of surgical specimens underwent hysterectomy ( ROC curve : 0.982 ) .

  12. 吡啶硫酮锌-去屑活性成分中的黄金标准

    Zinc Pyrithione - The " Gold Standard " in Antidandruff Actives

  13. 现在她用黄金标准来雇用金融分析师。

    Now she looks for the gold standard when hiring finance analysts .

  14. 那些“高级”的职业是亚裔父母评定好坏的黄金标准。

    The typical high-ranking professions are the gold standard for Asian parents .

  15. 黄金标准的信用额有溢价。

    There is a market for gold standard projects .

  16. 麦当劳的金色双拱门标志并不是快餐业的黄金标准。

    The golden arches may not be the gold standard for fast food .

  17. 有些人说他们是中国汽车数据的黄金标准。

    Some would say they are the gold standard in Chinese automotive data .

  18. 肥皂和水是黄金标准。

    Soap and water is the gold standard .

  19. 开展新的流行病学调查,确定“黄金标准”的性别比例。

    Undertake new epidemiological surveys to establish a " gold standard " of sex-ratios .

  20. 黄金标准样品的X-射线荧光光谱定量分析

    Determination of Au , Ag , Cu , Zn in Gold Reference Materials by X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis

  21. 这种口音源于18、19世纪的英国贵族,自此,就成了发音的“黄金标准”了。

    The accent emerged from the18th-and19th-Century aristocracy , and has remained the " gold standard " ever since .

  22. 我认为与其他常规心肌负荷试验和临床症状相比,这不是一项优秀的黄金标准。

    I don not think there is a great gold-standard other than routine stress testing and clinical symptoms .

  23. 我们代表着英国的黄金标准,但却没有配套的行动来推广它们。

    We represent the gold standard in the UK , but there is no co-ordinated campaign to promote them .

  24. 总之,西方国家曾认为自己在监管领域拥有黄金标准,但这一标准已不复存在。

    In short , the gold standard that the west assumed it had in the field of regulation has vanished .

  25. 并且伯克认为根据随机研究——研究者的黄金标准,这看起来确实是有帮助的。

    And Burke said that actually does seem to help , based on randomized studies - the researcher 's gold standard .

  26. 巴瑞特食道炎诊断的黄金标准,为先进行标准的影像式内视镜,然后再作四分割的切片检查;

    The gold standard procedure for detecting Barrett 's esophagus is to conduct a standard video endoscopy followed by four-quadrant biopsies .

  27. 现行的一整套黄金标准基金会的各项使用规定的原件。

    The Gold Standard Foundation is a non-profit organization under Swiss law that operates a certification scheme for premium quality carbon credits .

  28. 我国黄金标准物质及标准分析方法进展碘量法在黄金生产中的应用

    Advance in preparation of standard material of gold and study of standard analytical method in China The application of iodimetry in gold Production

  29. 根据旧式的黄金标准进行衡量,自布雷顿森林体系时代结束以来,美元已经贬值了98%。

    In terms of the old gold measure , the dollar has devalued by98 % since the end of the Bretton Woods era .

  30. 李奥纳多迪卡皮欧驾着丰田Prius&油电混合车的形象,已俨然成为近十年环保主义的黄金标准。

    For a decade now , the image of Leonardo DiCaprio cruising in his hybrid Toyota Prius has defined the gold standard for environmentalism .