- ricefield eel;finless eel;rice field eel,mud eel

[rice field eel,mud eel] 一种小型暗色的鳗形的亚洲和东印度群岛鱼( Monopterus albus ),常见于中国至印度的沟渠和灌水的稻田里
Objective To investigate the localization and distribution of the five endocrine cells in the digestive tract mucosa of ricefield eel ( Monopterus albus ) .
Phylogenetic Analysis and Identification of Probiotics HY-136 from Ricefield Eel ( Monopterus Albus ) Intestine
The finless eel ate the earthworm in front in one bite .
RAPD Analysis of Monopterus albus ( Zuiew ) Populations with Three Colors
The Selection of Polymorphic Primers to Three Species of Monopterus by RAPD Analysis
Population genetic structure of rice field eel ( monopterus albus ) with RAPD Markers
The Growth Difference and RAPD Molecular Marker Analysis of Two Different Color Groups in Monopterus Albus
Comparative Study on LDH and EST Isozymes between Male and Female of Monopterus Albas
Triazophos had significant effects on the activities of brain AChE of Monopterus albus in vivo .
The changes of levels of 6-keto-pg f_ ( 1 α) in serum during spawning induced with hCG in Monopterus albus
A regional localization of SRY box gene on bivalent chromosomes of Monopterus alba
Studies on polymorphisms of rRNA genes on pachytene bivalents of rice-field eels by in situ hybridization
The effect of 60Co Y-rays irradiation on the DNA of blood cells of Monopterus albus has been investigated by means of 3H-TdR incorporation .
Cloning and Sequence Analysis of 18S rRNA Gene Fragment of Misgurnus anguillicaudatus and Monopterus albus
Effects of Cu ~ ( 2 + ) on activities of protecting enzymes SOD , CAT and GSH-PX in liver tissue of Monopterus albus
Molecular Cloning and Expression Analysis of Swamp Eel ( Monopterus albus ) Hprt
Optimization for ISSR Reaction System of Monopterus albus with Orthogonal Design
Here we try to construct a BAC library of rice field eel genome , which is only 600 Mb .
According to the growth of eel in stage , it is reasonable that the circle of culturing eel is 2a .
Chromosomal Localization of Rice Field Eel Hox Genes by PRINS
Chromosomal Localization of the Hormone-sensitive Lipase Gene ( Hsl ) in Rice Field Eel
P1 was the most perfect primer among all these 11 pairs , which could distinguish the 3 Monopterus albus populations collected from Hunan , Guangdong ( China ) and Bengal .
The ultra-structural changes of Monopterus albus liver cells were observed with transmission electron microscopy after sublethal exposure to Cu2 + and nonionic surfactant AE ( linear alkylethoxylate ) .
This text studied the influence of the different concentration of Cu ( CH3COO ) 2 on the number of WBC , the micronucleus rate and nuclear abnormity of RBC , and CAT activity of liver in Monopterus albus .
Using a static toxicity experiment method , the effects of monocrotophos ( MCP ) on CAT and Na ~ + , K ~ + - ATPase activities in the gill , liver and kidney of Monopterus albus were studied .
The dark bands alternating with light bands , relatively stable and R-band-like structure was showed on the pachytene bivalents of Rice-fleld eel ( Monoplerus albus Zuiew ) by using the random-primed in situ digoxigenin-labelled DNA synthesis technique , and the results were analysed and discussed in detail .
Rice field eel ( Monopterus albus Zuiew ) is a fish variety of high economic value in China and is popular for its delicious taste .
Cloning and sequencing of 18S-26S rRNA and ITS on Alisma orientale ; Cloning and Sequence Analysis of 18S rRNA Gene Fragment of Misgurnus anguillicaudatus and Monopterus albus
It is thus tentatively assumed that Ser , Lys and Trp residues are essential functional groups of AKP while partial disulfide bond is essential for the catalytic capacity of the protective enzyme .
Experiments were conducted to investigate the influence of feeding frequency on feeding rate , specific growth rate , food efficiency , growth variation and body composition in a native fish , Monopterus albus .