
pān lú
  • gourami;climbing perch;marteniko;martinico
攀鲈[pān lú]
  1. 攀鲈「走路」的方式是以鱼鳍站立,并将尾巴来回摆动。

    The climbing perch " walks " by standing up on its fins and moving its tail back and forth .

  2. 在潮湿的环境中,攀鲈可于陆地上存活数天。

    In humid conditions , it can survive on land for several days .

  3. 结果表明,雄性个体的大小不影响雌性条纹短攀鲈的性偏好。

    The results showed that male body size did not affect sexual preference among female croaking gouramis .

  4. 攀鲈一种攀鲈科淡水鱼,产于非洲和东南亚,包括丝足鱼和攀鲈。

    A freshwater fish of the family anabantidae , native to Africa and Southeast Asia and including the gourami and climbing perch .