
  • 网络Climbing
  1. 而走、跑、跳及攀登运动则发育较晚,~2岁仅62±12分。

    But the abilities of walking , runing , jumping and climbing were later and their score was only 62 ± 12 until 2 years .

  2. 城市建筑物攀登训练运动损伤调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis on Sports Injuries in Training of City Building Clamer

  3. 五足步行机攀登不等距桁架运动分析

    The Kinematics Analysis of the Five Legged Walking Machine Climbing Ladder with Unequal

  4. 他参加了一些平常的活动,例如航海,攀登和山地自行车运动,另外,他还参加了一个写作班,里面有一位专业的作家。

    As well as the usual activities , such as sailing , climbing and mountain biking , there was a writing workshop with a professional writer .