
pān yán
  • rock-climb;bouldering;cliff-climb;climb or clamber up a rock wall
  1. 她擅长攀岩,是野战训练场上的老手。

    She is an adept rock-climber and a past master of the assault course .

  2. 他和两个朋友正在攀岩时突然听到了求救声。

    He and two friends were climbing a rock face when they heard cries for help .

  3. 另一个教训是我在攀岩里学到的。

    I got my next lesson from rock climbing .

  4. 在经历了艺术、攀岩、阅读和写作的漫长过程之后,现在我已经到了一个自己足够聪明的水平,可以潜入一个完全未知、艰难但有趣的领域。

    Having gone through the long process with art , rock climbing , and reading and writing , now I 've got to a point in my life where I know I am smart enough to dive into an area that is totally unknown , hard , but interesting .

  5. 攀岩对不同年龄段的人来说是很刺激的。

    Rock climbing is very exciting for people of different ages .

  6. 攀岩是一项广受欢迎的爱好。

    Rock climbing is a popular hobby that many people enjoy doing .

  7. 有时攀岩者会在他们攀登的山上留下垃圾。

    Sometimes rock climbers leave rubbish on the mountains where they climb .

  8. 你可以在室内特殊的墙壁上攀岩,也可以去真的山崖上。

    You can do it indoors on special walls or outdoors on real mountains .

  9. 攀岩有很多优点,它很有趣,也能帮人忘记烦恼。

    There are many advantages of rock climbing — it is fun and it also helps people forget worries .

  10. 夏令营除了开展平常的活动,比如航海和攀岩,还会开设一堂写作课。

    As well as the usual activities , such as sailing and climbing , there was a writing class in the summer camp .

  11. 他们可能会为年轻人组织一些活动,为他们提供攀岩、露营、志愿者工作等挑战。

    They might organize some activities for young people which provide them with challenges , like rock-climbing , camping , volunteer work and so on .

  12. 攀岩Rockclimbing参加攀岩活动的人在自然岩石或者人工岩墙上上下爬行或者横着爬行。

    Rock climbing is a sport in which participants climb up , down or across natural rock formations or artificial rock walls .

  13. 攀岩运动员野口启代说,在人群前比赛让她获得了巨大的力量,如果没有看台上的欢呼声将难以获得这种动力和能量。

    Sport climber Akiyo Noguchi said she derives tremendous power from performing in front of a big crowd , and creating that motivation and energy will be harder without cheers from the bleachers .

  14. 跳伞、随便跟一个陌生人讲话、学一种外语、挑一本没看过的新书、上阿根廷探戈的课、攀岩、学习缝纫…今天你要挑战哪项新事物呢?

    Skydiving , talking to that random stranger , learning a foreign language , picking a strange new book , taking Argentinian tango classes , rock climbing , learning how to sew ... What new things will you try today ?

  15. freesoloclimber自由单人攀岩者这些活动通常都在晚上进行,因为它们非常危险且违法。

    These activities are usually done at night because it is illegal and dangerous .

  16. 甲米府旁边是兰塔岛(MuKohLanta)国家公园,在这片纯净的公园里,你可以徒步、攀岩或者骑象旅行。

    Krabi sits next to the Mu Koh Lanta National Park , a prime spot for hiking , rock climbing and elephant trekking .

  17. 今天,我们公司聘请了一个专业的攀岩攀冰高手,专门负责DMM产品在中国的推广工作。

    Our company hired a rock-climbing athlete to be responsible for the sales of DMM in China .

  18. 有关他在黎明进行的多项活动的消息传到了国外,包括马特·塞加尔(MattSegal)在内的一些职业攀岩者开始关注。

    Word of his efforts in Liming spread abroad , and professional climbers , including Matt Segal , began to notice .

  19. 从西端的阿尔玛桥(Pontdel’Alma)入口开始,走过主题经常变化的艺术展览场地、攀岩墙以及跳房子游戏和板手球运动场地。

    Start at the Pont de l'Alma entrance to the west and make your way past the rotating art exhibitions , climbing walls and stations for hopscotch and paddleball .

  20. Wellman说,自己攀岩并不是为了给残疾人一种什么启示。

    Wellman said he is not trying to send any message to disabled people by climbing .

  21. 在大约十点半时,她们来到了麦克·哥提亚(MikeGauthier)的家。哥提亚是优胜美地的办公室主任,负责公园管理当局和攀岩者之间的沟通。

    At about 10:30 , they showed up at the door of Mike Gauthier , Yosemite 's chief of staff , a conduit between park bureaucracy and the climbing community .

  22. 我们经常会搭一个五人制充气足球场或蓝网球(netball)场。不久后,我们还会有一面攀岩墙,活动经理凯特奥尔森(KateOlsen)表示。

    We often put up an inflatable five-a-side football pitch or set up netball courts and we 're having a climbing wall in soon , says Kate Olsen , events manager .

  23. AlexHonnold被称为攀岩世界中的摇滚巨星,他云游世界各地,攀登上了了许多无人能及的悬崖峭壁,甚至是在不借助绳索的情况下。

    Dubbed the rock star of the climbing world , Alex Honnold travels the world fearlessly scaling cliff faces no man has ever climbed before - without even using a rope .

  24. 攀岩时,定一个BHAG,就会把你逼到崩溃边缘,让你经历一场绝望之旅。

    And in climbing that is if you pick a goal that is on that edge , where you actually have to go through a journey of despair .

  25. 通过对攀岩运动员的上肢主要做功肌肉左右腕屈肌、左右腕伸肌的表面肌电信号(sEMG)进行分析,探讨不同负荷的运动诱发肌肉疲劳过程中sEMG信号变化特征及其与肌肉耐力运动的关系。

    To analyze the surface electromyography ( sEMG ) signal of working upper-limb muscle of rock climbing athletes , the paper discusses the different peculiarity of surface electromyography during different training load making fatigue of muscle , and discusses the relations on the peculiarity and the endurance training of muscle .

  26. 从亲少年时期攀岩壁的训练者“毕业之后”,Honnold开始过上了类似于游牧民族般的国际攀岩者的生活,他声称恐惧已经无关紧要了。

    After graduating from the climbing walls of his late teens in California to the nomadic lifestyle of an international climber , Mr Honnold claims fear has become irrelevant to him . '

  27. 他们正在玩游戏和爬攀岩架。

    They 're playing games and climbing on a jungle gym .

  28. 但在这个教室中我们每天都在攀岩

    but In This Classroom We 're Rock Climbing Every Day .

  29. 她手法攀岩、滑雪、骑马骑&。

    She practices rock climbing , skiing , & horseback riding .

  30. 这周末我想和你一起去攀岩。

    I feel like going rock climbing with you this weekend .