
zhí shēnɡ jī
  • helicopter;chopper
直升机 [zhí shēng jī]
  • [helicopter] 一种航空器,支承其空中飞行的升力完全依靠一具或多具绕垂直轴旋转的旋翼向下方排斥气流所产生的反作用力

  1. 直升机接到命令,紧急起飞前去营救三个登山的年轻人。

    A helicopter was scrambled to help rescue three young climbers .

  2. 直升机在村落上空盘旋数次才降落。

    The helicopter made several passes over the village before landing .

  3. 直升机像两个小黑点出现在地平线上。

    The helicopters appeared as two black dots on the horizon .

  4. 直升机已加好油,准备起飞。

    The helicopter was already fuelled and ready to go .

  5. 沉船的幸存者被直升机营救脱险。

    Survivors of the wreck were plucked to safety by a helicopter .

  6. 他被认为是发明第一架真正的直升机的人。

    He is credited with inventing the first true helicopter .

  7. 救援直升机在海湾上空又搜索了一遍。

    The rescue helicopter made another sweep over the bay .

  8. 他由直升机火速送到医院。

    He was rushed to the hospital by helicopter .

  9. 幸存者由直升机运往安全的地方。

    The survivors were lifted to safety by helicopter .

  10. 直升机的螺旋桨开始转动时,尽量离远点儿。

    Stay well away from the helicopter when its blades start to rotate .

  11. 筋疲力尽的登山者由直升机营救出来。

    The exhausted climbers were rescued by helicopter .

  12. 直升机就降落在我们眼前,令人十分惊讶。

    The helicopter landed before our astonished eyes .

  13. 部队乘直升机降落。

    The troops were landed by helicopter .

  14. 直升机升上了天空。

    The helicopter rose into the air .

  15. 他们最后被直升机救走了。

    They were eventually rescued by helicopter .

  16. 20多架直升机开始下降向海面俯冲。

    More than 20 helicopters began swooping in low over the ocean

  17. 一架直升机降落在茂密丛林中的一片空地上。

    A helicopter landed in a clearing in the dense jungle .

  18. 她因为直升机一案坐了6个月牢。

    She served six months in prison for the helicopter caper .

  19. 直升机在恢复平稳之前倾斜得很厉害。

    The helicopter turned at an awful angle before righting itself .

  20. 警方的直升机在上空盘旋,照亮了整片地区。

    A police helicopter hovered above , floodlighting the area .

  21. 机修工努力维持直升机的飞行性能。

    The mechanics work hard to keep the helicopters airworthy .

  22. 该直升机能以每小时150公里左右的速度疾进。

    The helicopter can zip along at about 150 kilometres an hour .

  23. 直升机从失火大楼的楼顶救出了将近20人。

    Helicopters rescued nearly 20 people from the roof of the burning building

  24. 这些补给要卸下来装上直升机。

    The supplies need to be offloaded and put on helicopters

  25. 一架警用直升机借助热成像设备找到了他。

    He was found by a police helicopter using thermal imaging equipment .

  26. 一辆黑色的梅赛德斯轿车在直升机旁嘎的一声刹住了。

    A black Mercedes screeched to a halt beside the helicopter

  27. 联合国部队可以乘直升机着陆,甚至可以伞降。

    UN troops could be landed by helicopter or even by parachute .

  28. 一架直升机在瓦列霍爆炸起火并坠毁。

    A helicopter crashed in a fiery explosion in Vallejo .

  29. 不到一个小时,直升机获准起飞。

    Within an hour , the helicopter was cleared for take-off

  30. 船员们被直升机吊到安全的地方。

    The crew members were winched to safety by helicopters .