
  • 网络Sodom
  1. 当你心高气傲时,你的妹妹索多玛在你的口中不是有过臭名吗?

    And Sodom thy sister was not heard of in thy mouth , in the day of thy pride .

  2. 但在罗特从索多玛出来的那天,火及硫磺自天降下,消灭了所有的人。

    On the day when Lot left Sodom , fire and brimstone rained from the sky to destroy them all .

  3. 索多玛人,只不过不接待初到的陌生客人,而埃及人却将施惠的宾客充作奴隶。

    Others had not welcomed unknown strangers , but the Egyptians enslaved guests who had been good to them .

  4. 连亚巴郎兄弟的儿子罗特和他的财物也带走了,因为那时他正住在索多玛。

    And Lot also , the son of Abram 's brother , who dwelt in Sodom , and his substance .

  5. 当索多玛不再受你的青睐,你就用你的怒“火”将之付诸一炬。

    When Sodom no longer found favor in your eyes , you made the sky rain down fire and sulfur .

  6. 索多玛的统治者,请听上主的话!哈摩辣的百姓,请听天主的训示。

    Hear the word of the Lord , ye rulers of Sodom , give ear to the law of our God , ye people of Gomorrha .

  7. 亚巴郎住在客纳罕地;罗特住在平原的城市中,渐渐移动帐幕,直到索多玛。

    Abram lived in the land of canaan , and lot lived in the cities of the plain , and moved his tent as far as sodom .

  8. 我实在告诉你们:在审判的日子,索多玛和哈摩辣地所受的惩罚,比那座城所受的还要轻。

    Truly , I say to you , it shall be more tolerable on the day of judgment for the land of Sodom and Gomor'rah than for that town .