
suǒ mǎ lǐ yǔ
  • Somali
  1. 语言:索马里语和阿拉伯语为官方语言,也通用英语和意大利语。

    Language : Somali and Arabic are the official languages , English and Italian are also spoken .

  2. 这一称呼源自索马里语,字面意思是“像长颈鹿一样的脖子”,这也在它的英文名字中得到了体现。

    This is from the Somali language and literally means'neck like a giraffe'and this is reflected in its English name .

  3. 语言:法语、阿拉伯语为官方语言。伊萨族讲索马里语,阿法尔族讲阿法尔语。

    Language : french and Arabic are the official languages , although afar and Somali are widely spoken .

  4. 语言:英语和斯瓦希里语为官方语言。吉库尤语、索马里语和卢奥语也通用。

    Language : English and Swahili are the official language . Kikuyu , Somali and Luo are also widely spoken .

  5. 属于或关于非洲索马里共和国、索马里人、索马里语或索马里文化的。

    Of or relating to the African republic of Somalia or its people or their language and culture .