
suǒ mǎ lǐ rén
  • Somali
  1. 携有化学品和针筒索马里人在机场被捕。

    Somali arrested at airport with chemicals , syringe .

  2. 他之前是在明尼阿波利斯做司机,之后收到了剧组打过去寻找看起来像索马里人的电话。

    He was working as a chauffeur in Minneapolis when he answered the casting call for anyone who looked vaguely Somali .

  3. 阿卜杜拉最近前往内罗毕与肯尼亚总理奥廷加(RailaOdinga)举行会晤时告诉记者,任何这种类型的会议都应该由摩加迪沙的索马里人领导。

    The prime minister , on a recent trip to Nairobi to meet with Kenyan Premier Raila Odinga , told reporters that any such meeting should be led by Somalis in Mogadishu .

  4. 其中包括2万1千名索马里人和大约1万名埃塞俄比亚人。

    That includes more than 21000 Somalis and nearly 10000 Ethiopians .

  5. 这对多数的索马里人都是不好的消息,对乌干达人来说也不妙。

    This is bad news for most Somalis - and for Uganda .

  6. 这次战斗的胜利帮助青年党激进分子得到了索马里人的支持。

    The fighting helped bolster support for the al-Qaida-backed militants .

  7. 索马里人将从周六开始转移到Kambioos难民营。

    Somalis begin moving to the Kambioos site Saturday .

  8. 他们还抢劫了原本送给饥饿的索马里人的食品和其他补给。

    And they have often seized food and other supplies meant for starving Somalis .

  9. 逃往邻国肯尼亚的索马里人抵达目的地的时候日益贫困。

    Somalis fleeing to neighbouring Kenya are said to be arriving in increasingly poor condition .

  10. 要是过渡政府真能这么做,那么就基本可以让索马里人自己解决自己的问题了。

    That would put the main onus on the Somalis to sort out their own affairs .

  11. 几十万索马里人到这里避难,远离冲突,干旱和饥荒。

    Hundreds of thousands of Somalis have sought refuge there to escape conflict , drought and famine .

  12. 每天都有索马里人在逃离干旱、冲突以及饥荒。

    We have the Somalis coming in every day fleeing drought and conflict , plus the famine .

  13. 与此同时,冲突升级造成更多索马里人越过边界逃到肯尼亚。

    Meanwhile , the escalation in fighting has increased the numbers of Somalis fleeing across the border into Kenya .

  14. 那里的海域过度捕捞成灾,毁掉了沿海索马里人的生计,让他们无以谋生。

    The waters were disastrously overfished , destroying the livelihoods of coastal Somalis and leaving them with little else .

  15. 他说,他们将会继续发动袭击,为在摩加迪沙被非洲联盟军队杀害的索马里人报仇。

    He said attacks will continue as for the deaths of Somalis killed by African Union peacekeepers in Mogadishu .

  16. 那些居住在肯尼亚的索马里人来到我们的领土成立了青年党。

    And those Somalis who were in Kenya are the ones who have come to our territory to confront al-Shabab .

  17. 是索马里人受到严重的,设法在冲突和干旱的双重灾难中生存。

    People in Somalia are particularly hard hit as they try to survive the twin disasters of conflict and drought .

  18. 饥荒使得成千上万的索马里人逃离到肯尼亚和埃塞俄比亚的难民营寻求庇护。

    Hundreds of thousands of Somalis , fleeing famine , have sought shelter in refugee camps in Kenya and Ethiopia .

  19. 低收入和高谷物价格加在一起使一般索马里人更买不起粮食。

    A combination of low incomes and high cereal prices has also put food farther out of reach for average Somalis .

  20. 联合国官员最近说,有三百七十万索马里人急需食品援助。

    Recently , UN officials have said that three million seven hundred thousand Somalis are in need of emergency food aid .

  21. 成千上万的索马里人已经死亡,整个地区数十万人处于饥饿的绝境。

    Tens of thousands of Somalis have already died , and hundreds of thousands face starvation with consequences for the entire region .

  22. 达累斯萨拉姆发生的爆炸杀害了11人,其中有九名坦桑尼亚人、一名韩国人和一名索马里人,爆炸还导致85人受伤。

    The Dar es Salaam blast killed 11 people - nine Tanzanians , one Kenyan and one Somali national - and wounded 85 others .

  23. 他说,如果这些承诺最后真的兑现成银行里的资金,那么该机构可能会说服许多索马里人留在自己的家园。

    He says the agency could persuade a lot Somalis to stay on their farms if these pledges were translated into money in the bank .

  24. 布里吉蒂说,埃塞俄比亚和肯尼亚对逃离营养不良的地区的索马里人保持边界开放,并渴望得到更多的国际支持。

    Ethiopia and Kenya are keeping their borders open to Somalis fleeing malnutrition , Brigety said , and are eager to receive more international support .

  25. 他们经常把本该发放给饥饿的索马里人的食品和其他供给品扣留在自己手中,从而使许多外国捐助方不愿意向索马里运送更多的援助物资。

    They have routinely diverted food and other supplies meant for starving Somalis into their own hands , leaving many foreign donors unwilling to send more aid .

  26. 若得到证实,这将是自2009年撤回部队以来埃塞俄比亚最重大的部署,当时其三年的入侵非常不受索马里人欢迎。

    If confirmed , this appears to be the largest Ethiopian deployment since the withdrawal in2009 after a three-year invasion that was very unpopular with ordinary Somalis .

  27. 她表示,今年大约已有7300名索马里人乘船抵达也门。然而,这还仅仅是一年前抵达也门的人数的一半。

    She said some 7300 Somalis have reached Yemen by boat this year . This is only half the number , however , that Yemen a year ago .

  28. 在肯尼亚,世界最大的难民营达达布一直在扩大,这是由于逃离本国战乱的索马里人不断越过边界进入肯尼亚。

    In Kenya , the world 's largest refugee camp , Dadaab , gets bigger all the time as Somalis fleeing warfare in their country stream across the border .

  29. 暴力事件导致1万6千多人逃离家园。暴力事件还扩散到开普敦,暴徒在那里袭击了津巴布韦人和索马里人。

    More than 16000 people have fled their homes in the wake of the violence , which has spread to Cape Town , where mobs attacked Zimbabweans and Somalis .

  30. 联合国调查人员建议将这些索马里人添加到一个国际制裁名单上,一些外交人员认为,这些人应当为违反制裁或与恐怖主义有关联而被起诉。

    U.N. investigators have recommended adding these Somalis to an international sanctions list , and some diplomats argue that they should be prosecuted for sanctions violations or terrorism ties .