
  • 网络The Somme;Somme River;River Somme
  1. 然而在那个时候,德军已经到达索姆河,并继续向敦刻尔克挺进了。

    By that time , however , the German forces were at the Somme and closing on Dunkerque .

  2. 出生在安特里姆的士兵因在1916年索姆河战役期间表现英勇,被授予最高的军事荣誉。

    The Co Antrim born soldier was awarded the highest military honor for bravery shown during the Battle of the Somme in 1916 .

  3. 这份卷宗还揭穿了有关希特勒的一个长久以来的传说——说希特勒在索姆河战役中受伤而失去了一个睾丸。

    The dossier also debunks one of the most enduring legends about the Fuhrer - the claim that he lost a testicle when hewas injured at the Battle of the Somme .