
  • 网络Meuse;Meuse River;River Meuse
  1. 在吉维特市附近有许多工业化地区,所以就会认为最北部的默兹河很美丽。但是在法国境内朝南骑了两天之后,就开始明白那是大惊小怪了。

    While there are too many pockets of industrialisation around the town of Givet for the River Meuse to be considered beautiful this far north , by the time you 've cycled south through France for a couple of days , you begin to understand what the fuss is about .

  2. 我的家,就是我在默兹河上的船。

    Home , that was my houseboat on the river meuse .

  3. 在默兹河沿岸的村庄,人们会谈起对范特克医生的敬重。

    In the villages along the river meuse , people speak with reverence .

  4. 多德雷赫特也称多德,荷兰西南部城市,临鹿特丹市东南的默兹河。

    Dordrecht also Dort , a city of southwest Netherlands on the Meuse River southeast of Rotterdam .

  5. 比利时的版本是:17世纪比利时默兹河流域的居民喜欢吃油炸食品。

    The Belgian side of the story is that the 17th Century residents of the Meuse Valley in Belgium were not shy of frying things .