
  • 网络messiah;Mercia;MOESIA
  1. 圣经旧约向以色列的儿女们宣布默西亚的来临,以及一个「崭新」盟约的成立;

    The Old Testament announces to the Children of Israel the coming of the Messiah and the establishment of a " new " covenant ;

  2. 到了第三集,尼欧的拯救者形象依旧出色,被敌人贝恩称为「瞎眼的默西亚」。

    By Matrix Revolutions , Neo is still the Saviour-figure par excellence , referred to by his enemy , Bane , as'the blind messiah ' .

  3. 因为他经常有力地当众驳倒犹太人,用圣经指明耶稣就是默西亚。

    For with much vigour he convinced the Jews openly , shewing by the scriptures , that Jesus is the Christ .

  4. 主,我信你是要来到世界上的那位天主子、默西亚。

    She answered him , 'Yes , Lord , I believe that you are the Messiah , the Son of God , the one coming into the world .

  5. 谁是撒谎的呢?岂不是那否认耶稣为默西亚的吗?那否认父和子的,这人便是假基督。

    Who is a liar , but he who denieth that Jesus is the Christ ? This is Antichrist , who denieth the Father , and the Son .

  6. 及至息拉和弟茂德从马其顿来到后,保禄就专心传道,向犹太人证明耶稣就是默西亚。

    When Silas and Timothy came down from Macedonia , Paul was able to give himself wholly to preaching and proving to the Jews that Jesus was the Messiah .

  7. 于是大司祭对他说:「我因生活的天主,起誓命你告诉我们:你是不是默西亚,天主之子?

    And the high priest said to him : I adjure thee by the living God , that thou tell us if thou be the Christ the Son of God .

  8. 因为将有假默西亚和假先知兴起,行大奇迹和异迹,以致如果可能,连被选的人也要欺骗。

    For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets , and shall shew great signs and wonders , insomuch as to deceive ( if possible ) even the elect .