
tāi jì
  • birthmark
胎记 [tāi jì]
  • [birthmark] 皮肤上生来就有的蓝紫色或黑色斑迹

胎记[tāi jì]
  1. 乔安妮的发际线旁有个小小的深色胎记。

    Joanne had a small dark birthmark near her hairline

  2. 基于.NET组件依赖图的软件胎记研究

    Research on Software Birthmark Based on . NET Component Dependence Graph

  3. 他右半边屁股上有胎记,其形状就象是whistler妈妈的一样。

    He has a mole shaped like whistler 's mother on his right buttock .

  4. 你脖子上的胎记一直都有吗?

    Have you always had that birth mark on your neck ?

  5. 爱她脖子上心型的胎记

    I love this heart-shaped birthmark she has on her neck .

  6. 然而,标点又不仅是某一种文化的胎记;

    Yet punctuation is something more than a culture 's birthmark ;

  7. 那么大我还以为是胎记。

    It 's so big I thought it was a birthmark .

  8. 整体的,2505名儿童有档案明确记载或可疑的胎记。

    Overall , 2505 children had a documented definite or suspected birthmark .

  9. 如果不是胎记,那有没有什么好方法可以医治?

    If not birthmark , it has no good way to heal ?

  10. 天啊,我想你弄掉了我的胎记。

    Geez , I think you ripped my mole off .

  11. 你知道克洛有胎记吗?

    Did you know that Chloe had a birthmark on her cheek ?

  12. 胎记:出生时,皮肤上不寻常的一种瘢或疤。

    Birthmark : unusual mark or blemish on the skin at birth .

  13. 两道暗红的胎记,交叉而成斜十字。

    Two dark and red birthmarks cross but become inclined ten wordses .

  14. 含有加过糖的黑莓或黑莓酱的酸奶。(草莓状)红色胎记,莓状痣

    Yogurt with sweetened blueberries or blueberry jam . strawberry mark

  15. 我右眼上长着一块胎记。

    I have a birthmark on my right eye .

  16. 只有祖父凭着她脖子上的胎记认出了她。

    Only her grandfather recognized her - from a birthmark on her cheek .

  17. 莉莉麦金农:你知道咱们拥有相似的胎记吗?

    Lily mckinnon : did you know we 've got the same mole ?

  18. 切片检查显示这是一个胎记。

    The biopsy showed that that was a birthmark .

  19. 你左边的屁股上有个很可爱的胎记。

    That you have a very cute birthmark on your left butt cheek .

  20. 这个胎记平时是深红色。

    The mark was usually a deep red color .

  21. 在我的拇指上有一小块胎记。

    There 's a little mole on my thumb .

  22. 他的脸颊上有个略带紫色的胎记。

    He has a purplish birthmark on his cheek .

  23. 《雍正皇帝》中的权谋文化胎记

    The Machiavellian Culture Birthmark of Emperor Yong ZHeng

  24. 左手腕上有胎记

    And , uh , a birthmark on the back of his left wrist .

  25. 胎记&生命的原动力

    Birthmark & The Original Power of Life

  26. 然而,作者报道胎记仍然较未治疗前淡。

    However , the stains were still lighter than before therapy , the authors report .

  27. 因为有胎记预示,大家都知道他们还剩下多少时间。

    Because of the birthmark , everybody knows exactly how much longer they 've got .

  28. 医生:那看起来像是胎记,我会再检查一遍。

    Doctor : That looks like a birthmark , but I 'll take a look .

  29. 因为她的脸上有一块小小的胎记。

    because of a birthmark that takes up a little less than half her face .

  30. 她擦了擦孩子的额头,化妆品所掩盖的一小块胎记露了出来。

    When she rued the forehead , makeup came off what was covering a small birthmark .