
tāi zuò
  • placenta
胎座[tāi zuò]
  1. 花端胎座组织中蛋白质、DNA、RNA及干重等都随着时间延长呈增加趋势,而中部组织的上述物质的含量则急剧下降。

    The contents of protein , DNA , RNA as well as dry weights in the abaxial placenta of fruit increase with storage time going on , while those in middle part decrease dramatically .

  2. F2为长度发育因子,由果宽、胎座宽、果长、胎座长组成;

    Factor 2 was considered a length growth factor , consisting of fruit width , placenta width , fruit length , placenta length ;

  3. 从而说明,citrin基因启动子具有驱动外源基因在种子和胎座中专一性表达的活性,是具有种子专一性表达的启动子。

    Therefore , it was confered that citrin gene promoter could effectively drive foreign gene specific expression in seed and ovule , and it was seed - specific expression promoter .

  4. Chun相似,子房上部为侧膜胎座,但雌花被片5,蒴果最大翅舌形,长20–22mm,而易于区别。

    Chun in having parietal placentas at the upper part of the ovary , differing mainly in the female flowers with 5 tepals and the largest wing of the capsule being 20 – 22 mm long and ligulate .

  5. 平均单果重76g,最大单果重可达85g以上,胎座中等,单株结果数28.3个。

    The fruit number of single plant is about 28.3 , furthermore , the average weight of single fruit is 76g , and the heaviest single fruit exceeds 85g with medium placenta .

  6. 用于原来的分类系统中;与中央胎座目基本同义。

    Used in former classification systems ; approximately synonymous with order Caryophyllales .

  7. 基生胎座,上生24枚胚珠,通常12枚发育,其余败育。胚珠倒生型;

    Placenta basal with 2 - 4 ovules ;

  8. 中轴胎座细胞数在花后15天和45-60天的时间里有两个增加时期,各节位增加了7-12倍。

    There are two increase periods of the number of placenta cell after flowering .

  9. 花粉管在子房室中轴胎座表面生长经历2~4h。

    Pollen tube prolongs on the surface of axile placenta in locule for 2-4 hours .

  10. 传染性腔上囊病原体存在于胚囊和胎座中的淀粉粒为胚胎所利用。

    Starch grains present in the embryo sac and placenta are utilized by the embryo .

  11. 子房为二心皮一室,多胚珠,侧膜胎座,倒生型胚珠。

    The ovary was bicarpellary syncarpous and unilocular having parietal placentas . Ovules were anatropous .

  12. 子房2室,中轴胎座。

    The ovary is 2 locular .

  13. 胎座的胚性细胞经继代培养能保持较长时期的分裂能力。

    The embryonic cells of placenta in subculture divi - ded continuously during a longer period .

  14. 扁桃果实由单心皮上位子房发育而成,边缘胎座,横生胚珠。

    The almond fruit was developed from solitary carpel in the superior ovary which there were the border placenta and amphitropous ovule .

  15. 前者的维管束进入子房壁,后者的维管束进入子房的中轴,形成胎座维管束。至延长部后,胎座维管束逐渐消失。

    The bundles from the outer region enter the ovary wall , while those from the central region extend into the axile and become placental bundles which fade away gradually in prolongation .

  16. 珠柄:被子植物子房中连接胚珠(之后的种子)和胎座的柄。营养物质通过珠柄传递到胚珠和种子。

    Funicle ( funiculus ) The stalk attaching the ovule ( later the seed ) to the placenta in angiosperm ovaries . Nutrients pass through the funicle to the ovule and seed .

  17. 雌蕊3心皮3室,子房下位,中轴胎座,每室2倒生胚珠,厚珠心,双珠被,内珠被独自形成珠孔。

    Its pistil consists of three carpels , the inferior ovary has three locules and each locule has two ovules which are anatropous on axile placenta . The ovule is bitegminous and crassinucellate .

  18. 扁桃雌蕊形态结构为:湿型柱头,花柱实心,子房1室,基生胎座,横生胚珠,双珠被,厚珠心,有珠孔塞。

    The pistil shape structure of the almond is : Wet column cap , style solid , ovary 1 room , the basal placenta , overflowing-ovule , pairs of integuments , thick nucellus , having obturator .

  19. 雄花心皮在发育后期出现特化的组织结构,至雄花开花期时,形成类似雌花胎座的结构,但没有分化出胚珠;

    The carpel in male flower at latter developmental stage was differentiated , and a placenta-like structure was formed in the carpel of male flower during anthesis , while ovule did not appear as that of mature female flower ;

  20. 在梨形胚到盾片形成期这一发育阶段,靠近胎座处的1~2层细胞呈狭长形或多边形,细胞质浓厚、细胞核小;

    During the period from the pear shaped embryo to the formation of scutellum , some slim cells with thick cytoplasm and small nucleus near the 1st and 2nd layers placenta and some particular big endosperm cells could be seen .

  21. 单株果数对总产量的直接影响最大,果实胎座宽度及早期产量也对总产量有明显的直接影响,而其它性状则仅对总产量产生有限的直接影响。

    Fruit number per plant had the greatest direct effect on total yield , width and early yield had marked direct effect on total yield as well , while other characters had only a limited direct effect on total yield .

  22. 雌蕊由5心皮组成,柱头、花柱分离,子房合生,1室,基生胎座,胚珠1个,拳卷型,双珠被,厚珠心,珠孔由内珠被形成。

    The pistil was composed of five carpels , stigmas and styli separated , the ovary was coadnate , basal placenta , it had only one circinotropous ovule , the ovule was crassinucellate and had two layers of integument , the micropyle was formed by the inner integument .

  23. 雌配子体发育的特点是:倒生胚珠、基底胎座、厚珠心、双珠被、孢原细胞直接长大成大孢子母细胞、反足细胞退化早,胚珠发育为蓼型。

    The character of macrospore in development were as followed : anatropal ovule , basal placenta , thick nucellar , two integument , megaspore mother cell coming directly from archesporial cell , early degenerating antipodal cell , thedevelopment of the embryo sac being conformed as the polygonum type .