- gestational age

Conclusion Gestational age is the major factor affecting the incidence and survival rate of NEC .
Results : In normal fetuses , trans-mitral as well as trans-tricuspid E ,, E / A , TI and SV increased significantly with advancing gestational age . Peak A did not change significantly .
Results : In MRI group , 81 % in 7 months group displayed ossification center .
The relationship between neonatal umbilical cord serum protein induced by vitamin K absence level and different gestational ages and regions
Methods : The cells isolated from different fetal age and different site were cultured in serum-free medium .
Characteristics of bax , bcl-2 and p53 gene expression in children and fetal skin at different developmental stages
Objective : To observe the shape and distribution of NF-like neurons in human fetal spinal cord .
The catch up growth of SGA was within 3 months . SDS was below median .
NPY & IR neurons were distributed in the SP of the VC of all age fetuses .
Results : Highly significant correlations were observed between malondialdehyde and xanthine oxidase umbilical pH Pco2 Po2 base excess gestational age and Apgar score at 5 min.
Gradually , SS-IR neurons appeared gradually from deep to superficial layere with the increasing of gestation age .
Methods Neural stem cells was dissociated and cultured from 14 ~ 16 days old embryonic Wistar rat brain tissue .
The density of GH-cells increases in early embryo and decreases gradually with fetal ages in late embryo .
With the fetal age increased , staining reaction of NOS increased gradually and reached its peak at the ninth month .
The morphology and distribution of pre-B cells and the changes of antigens during the differentiation from pre-B to B cells in fetal livers of different gestational ages were studied by means of immunohistochemical technique .
Results The total protein in BALF gradually increased since10th week to newborn peak during lung development .
The mumber of GH-cells increases gradually with fetal ages , GH-cells extend to the centre of the anterior pituitary gland .
Results : The expression of TGF β 1 and EGF in LECs of different fetal ages were found in this experiment .
A study on infection with human parvovirus B19 during the third trimester of pregnancy and its possible relation to prematurity or small for gestational age infants
Relationship between human parvovirus B19 intrauterine infection and premature infant and full term small gestational age
Ghrelin Level Variation and Its Relation with GH / IGF-1 Growth Axis in Small for Gestational Age Rats
Results : The positive expression of FSH binding 、 LH binding and LHR of fetal ovaries were detected only after 20 weeks gestational age .
The primordial germ cells were isolated from 46 goat fetuses embryonic age from 25 to 38 days , there were so many colonies in primary culture .
The rates of adverse perinatal outcome , SGA in abnormal umbilical artery PI group were significantly higher than those in normal umbilical artery PI group ( P < 0.05 ) .
Methods Primarily cultured E-14-16 day fetal rat cortical neurons were used to establish the H / R injury model .
Methods Thirty-eight healthy premature infants were randomly divided into NNS and control group .
The catch up growth velocity of AGA was within 12 months . The peak was in 8 month . SDS was approaching median after 5 month old .
Method : The development of growth hormone cells in 4-8 months human fetal pituitary was systematically observed with the immunocytochemistry Avidin-Biotin-peroxidase Complex ( ABC ) method in this experiment .
Objective To investigate the incidence of fetal malnutrition ( FM ), its affected factors and their relationship with small-for gestational-age ( SGA ) fetus .
Objective To investigate relationship of thyroid hormones ( T 3 , T 4 ) to gestational age and birth weight in preterm infants .