
  • 网络Bone marrow;red bone marrow;Red marrow
  1. AAA骨与自体红骨髓复合移植治疗骨缺损

    Graft of AAA bone combined with autologous red bone marrow for treatment of bone defects

  2. 结论:AAA骨与红骨髓复合物修复骨缺损,其疗效显著,可视为骨缺损修复的理想材料。

    It is suggested that " AAA " bone combined with autogenic red bone marrow may be an ideal material for bone defect repairing .

  3. C组20只,饲料中不加补肾密骨片,骨延迟愈合区注入自体红骨髓;

    There are mesenchymal cells in red bone marrow . Group C , 20 rabbits treated with red marrow ;

  4. 不同来源的红骨髓分布数据对计算~(60)Coγ射线外照射下红骨髓剂量和干细胞计权剂量的影响

    The effect of different sources of bone marrow distributions on red bone marrow dose and stem cell dose calculation under ~ ( 60 ) co γ, ray external irradiation

  5. 自体红骨髓充填PLA复合BMP管材修复大段骨缺损的实验研究

    The repair of segmental bone defect with composite PLA BMP tube filled with autogenous red marrow : an experimental study

  6. 应用多孔磷酸三钙(TCP)与自体红骨髓(BM)复合移植,修复骨缺损21例。

    Twenty ─ one cases of bone defects were implanted with porous tricalcium phosphate ceramic ( TCP ) and bone marrow ( BM ) .

  7. 结果:IgG型MM好发于红骨髓部位,主要征象为骨破坏(类圆形,膨胀形及不规则3型)、骨折、骨疏松。

    Results : IgG MM mainly invaded red marrow . The most common manifestations were bone destruction ( round , expansive or irregular in shape ), fracture and osteoporosis .

  8. 方法将BMG与自体红骨髓复合,制成BM;

    Methods A combined grafting material ( BM ) was made by BMG and autologous red marrow .

  9. 目的:探讨自体骨膜细胞和红骨髓(RBM)混合物修复骨缺损的能力。

    Objective : To investigate the ability of repairing bone defect with the compound of autogenous periosteal and red bone marrow .

  10. 6周后,实验侧(右)桡骨骨缺损区经皮注射自体红骨髓2ml;

    And 2ml autogenous bone marrow was injected in the right radial bone defect after 6 weeks , and 2ml peripheral blood in the left side .

  11. 目的探讨羟基磷灰石HA、自体红骨髓RBM、骨形态发生蛋白(BMP)及纤维蛋白(FS)复合物修复骨缺损的能力及其作为人工骨移植替代材料的可行性。

    Objective To investigate the ability of repairing bone defect with the compound of hydroxyapatite ( HA ), red bone morrow ( RBM ), bone morphogenic protein ( BMP ) and fibrin sealant ( FS ), and the feasibility with the compounds as bone substitute material .

  12. 结果在随访中发现,加红骨髓的ATFC植骨组与单纯ATFC植骨组比较并未延长手术时间或增加手术出血量,但可缩短椎间骨融合时间(P<001)。

    Results There was no significance difference in items of the operative time and blood loss during operation between the two groups . The intervertebral bone fusion time in the combined transplant group is shorter than that of the control group ( P < 0.01 ) .

  13. 目的:探讨自体红骨髓的成骨能力;

    Purpose : To study the capacity of autogenetic bone marrow ;

  14. 红骨髓内植入骨膜碎片修复骨缺损

    Repairing bone defect with periosteal pieces in red bone marrow

  15. 生物玻璃结合自体红骨髓复合移植的实验研究

    The Experimental Studies on the Combined Transplantation of the Bioglass and Self-red-bone-marrow

  16. 羟基磷灰石人工骨复合红骨髓诱导成骨实验研究

    A experimental study on bone induction of hydroxyapatite and red bone marrow

  17. 自体红骨髓治疗陈旧性腕舟状骨骨不连

    Autogenous red bone marrow in treatment of old fracture of scaphoid bone

  18. 经皮自体红骨髓移植促进骨愈合的研究进展

    Research Progress on Percutaneous Auto-Red Bone Marrow Graft in Promoting Bone Union

  19. 自体红骨髓移植修复关节软骨缺损的实验观察

    Experimental observation in repairing articular cartilage defects with transplanting autologous red bone marrow

  20. 自体红骨髓及骨膜碎片修复骨缺损的评价

    Evaluation on repairing bone defect with autogenous red bone marrow and periosteal pieces

  21. 自体红骨髓经皮囊内注射治疗孤立性骨囊肿

    Solitary bone cysts treated by percutaneous intracystic injection of autologous red bone marrow

  22. 自体深筋膜复合自体红骨髓移植治疗骨不连

    Deep fascia composite autologous red bone marrow transplantation for the treatment of fracture nonunion

  23. 自体红骨髓注射治疗骨不连术后局灶性骨缺损

    Treatment of focal bone defect in postoperative nonunion with autologous red bone marrow injection

  24. 红骨髓[供防治疾病用]

    Red bone marrow [ prophylactic uses ]

  25. 体外冲击波结合红骨髓移植治疗骨不连的临床研究

    Clinical study of extracorporeal shock wave therapy with autograft of bone marrow for bone nonunion

  26. 微创经皮骨穿刺注射自体红骨髓组织工程复合物治疗骨囊肿的临床应用研究

    The Clinical Study on Bone Cysts Treated Percutaneous Injecting Tissue-Engineering Complex of Autologous Red Bone Marrow

  27. 自体红骨髓异位移植后,骨髓基质细胞可增殖并分化成骨。

    After autotransplantation of bone marrow , the stromal cells may proliferate and differentiate to bone .

  28. γ射线外照射条件下体模红骨髓剂量及剂量深度分布的蒙特卡罗计算

    Calculation of red bone marrow dose and dose depth distribution in phantom from external gamma radiation

  29. 经皮自体红骨髓注射预防胫骨中下段骨折迟缓愈合

    Precaution of delayed union of intermediate and inferior tibia fracture by injection of autologous bone marrow

  30. 异体松质骨复合自体红骨髓移植材料的制备及临床应用

    The Preparation of the Grafting Material of Homologous Cancellus / Autologous Red Marrow and Clinical Application