- red giant star

In another paper in the same issue , a different research team reports using Kepler data to detect a system of three stars , which includes a red giant star and two red dwarfs .
Monte Carlo simulation to the distribution of orbital elements G , K stars
The binary-technique is the line profile analysis method which is the most accurate one being applied in a ζ Aur / VV Cep binary system to detect the mass-loss-rates of the stellar wind of the red-giant or of the red-super-giants .
The Line Analysis Technique Apply to Determinations of Wind Mass-loss-rates of ζ Aur Type Systems
The Red Giant Branch ( G , K stars ) is the pre stars of Ba stars , it is of significance to studying the evolution of binary system for the distribution of orbital elements of G , K stars .
The influences of solar mass-loss on the change rate of the semi-major axis and the orbital period of the earth could be happened while the Sun stays on the main-sequence and evolves as a red giant on the post-main sequence .
The ζ Aur-type binary system consists of a hot early type star and a late type red giant or rad supergiant with strong stellar wind , which forms an expanding gas shell surrounding the binary system .
The results show that the turbulent pressure can be 30 percent of the total pressure in the regions closed to the surface of an AGB star with 7M ⊙ and has an important influence on the inner structure and evolution .
Rotation effect has the great influence on star in the former stage of main sequence and in the latter stage of Red Giant through the angular velocity and the change of rotational angular velocity ; turbulent pressure in the stage of AGB star . ( 3 ) .
The sun will swell into a red giant .
This picture shows the sample of red giant .
Its population of red giant stars are particularly easy to see in this picture .
When it does , the sun will expand to engulf the inner planets and possibly Earth .
But stars like our sun swell into bloated red giants when the nuclear fuel in their cores is depleted .
These major arms have the greatest densities of both young , bright stars and older , so-called red-giant stars .
Dozens , if not hundreds , of red giants and supernovas seem to have contributed to the primitive solar nebula .
During the radiation stars will develop in turn into main sequence stars , red giants , white dwarfs or neutron stars , etc.
As a star like our sun is running out of fuel in its core it begins to bloat into a red giant .
First , it 's really old past the Red Giant phase , when stars balloon in size and swallow up planets in close orbits .
As the nuclear burning moves outward to the fresh material in a shell surrounding the core , the star bloats into a so-called red giant .
First , it 's really old - past the Red Giant phase , when stars balloon in size and swallow up planets in close orbits .
The conditions in a protostar resemble far more closely in situation in red giants , most of whose volume is caught up in stormy convection .
But when the Sun becomes a red giant in four billion years and consumes the Earth , you and Clyde would be the only ones to escape .
After that it is expected to become a red giant , as the hydrogen that presently comprises it is exhausted and the sun switches to burning helium instead .
As Ba star systems are evolved from G-K star systems , the distribution of orbital eccentricities and periods of Ba stars can show the final orbital character of binaries .
The silicon carbide is thought to have come from red giants . These are stars that have swelled up in old age and are nearing the ends of their lives .
The symbiotic binary is a special system , consisting of a hot early type star and a cool late type supergiant with strong stellar wind , which forms an expanding envelope .
The only problem is that the red giant phase will only last a few hundred million years - not long compared to the billions of years that life on Earth has been evolving .
It has become what astronomers call a subgiant , or a star that has exhausted all of its hydrogen fuel in the core and is on its way to becoming a red giant .
Since all the stars in a cluster are roughly the same age it is possible , by looking at the masses of stars that have made it to the red giant stage , to calculate the age of the cluster and , consequently , of all its members .