
hóng céng
  • red bed
红层[hóng céng]
  1. 红层泥岩边坡生态防护机制研究

    Study on ecological protection mechanism of red bed mudstone slope

  2. 鲁西南地区的红层岩溶及其水文地质意义

    Red Bed Karst and Its Hydrogeological Significance in Southwestern Shandong

  3. 反射系数(K)法在红层地下水探测中的应用

    The application of reflection coefficient ( k ) method in red beds to survey phreatic water

  4. 反射系数(K)法在确定红层地质构造中的应用

    The applicaton of reflection coefficient ( k ) method in defining geological structures in the red beds

  5. 红层由mm级红色泥岩夹灰色、杂色、偶尔黑色泥岩和钙质泥岩组成。

    The red beds sequence consists of mm-thick reddish clays alternating with gray , variegated , locally black clays and calcareous clays .

  6. C带位于彭灌断裂与广元&大邑断裂之间,属变形构造地层带,主要由侏罗系至第三系红层构成。

    Zone C , lying between the Pengxian Guanxian fault ( F 3 ) and Guangyuan Dayi fault ( F 4 ), is a tectostratigraphic zone of deformation and consists mainly of Jurassic to Neogene strata .

  7. 通过击实试验、承载比试验,得出了红层泥岩试样的最优含水量及最大干密度的关系,以及CBR值。

    The relationship of the red mudstone among the optimum water content and maximum dry density and CBR value can be obtain .

  8. 利用数值计算分析红层软岩坡体稳定性时,建议采用Hoek-Brown准则确定关键岩体力学参数。

    In the numerical analysis of slope stability , Hoek-Brown method is suggested to confirm rock mass mechanical parameters .

  9. 利用极限平衡法分析红层软岩坡体稳定性时,提出了采用极限平衡软件自动搜索滑移面的位置和利用Barton公式确定节理面的抗剪强度。

    During the process of limit equilibrium analysis , we use the software to search the position of slide surfaces . The Barton formula is introduced to confirm the shear strengths of interfaces .

  10. 结果表明:红层泥岩边坡的快速风化集中在表层10cm深度内;

    The research result shows that the fast weathering of the red-bed mudstone slope occurs within 10 cm depth below the surface , and the variation of air temperature and the number of moderate rainfall have important effects on its fast weathering .

  11. 钙质超微化石表明红层的时间从Turonian早期(UC7带)到Coniacian中期&晚期界线(UC10/?UC11带)。

    Nannofossil assemblages show that the age of the red beds is the uppermost part of Lower Turonian ( Zone UC 7 ) to Middle-Upper Coniacian boundary ( Zone UC10 / ? UC11 ) .

  12. 中国红层的分布及地质环境特征

    The distributes and geologic environment characteristics of red beds in China

  13. 分级加载条件下红层软岩蠕变特性试验研究

    Study on creep properties of red-bed soft rock under step load

  14. 四川盆地红层古风化壳的地球化学特征

    Geochemical characteristics of the ancient weathered crust in Sichuan Red Basin

  15. 红层软岩崩解性的灰色关联分析

    Grey Correlation Analysis of Slake Durability of Red Bed Weak Rock

  16. 红层与砂岩型铀成矿关系浅析

    Brief analysis on relationship between red beds and sandstone-type uranium ore-formation

  17. 宝鸡市黄土&红层滑坡机理及稳定性研究

    Research on the Mechanism and Stability of Loess-redbed Landslide in BaoJI

  18. 在红层上兴建水电工程的环境工程地质问题

    Environmental geological problems of building hydroelectric projects on red rock beds

  19. 红层软岩土石混合填料的抗剪强度特性研究

    Study on Shear Strength Characteristics of Red Layered Weak Soil Filling

  20. 湘浏盆地红层软岩的几个岩土工程问题

    Geotechnical Problems for Soft Rock of Red Layer in Xiang-Liou Basin

  21. 湖南红层地下水类型及其特征

    Types and Characteristics of Underground Water in Red Beds in Hunan

  22. 红层软岩地区公路建设中的主要岩土工程问题

    The main geotechnical engineering problems of highway construction in red beds

  23. 云南红层地下水贮存特征与开发利用途径

    Occurrence Characters and Development Way of Groundwater in Yunnan Red Stratum

  24. 滇中红层地区路基病害整治及对策

    Measures against the Subgrade Diseases in the Red Stratum of Mid-Yunnan Area

  25. 近水平红层开挖边坡变形破坏特征

    Distortion and failure character of excavation slope in approximate level red beds

  26. 红层软岩渗透特性的实验研究

    Experiment study of the permeability characteristics of the red layer soft rocks

  27. 彩色底片感红层卤化银乳剂的研制

    Preparation of a Core-shell Silver Halides Emulsion For Color Negative Red-sensitive Layer

  28. 红层软岩土石混合料的长期蠕变性能模拟试验研究

    Long-term creep behaviour simulating test and research for red beds soil-rock fillings

  29. 四川红层分布及工程环境特征研究

    A Study on Distribution of Sichuan Red Beds and Engineering Environment Characteristics

  30. 红层边坡风化过程的化学分析

    A Chemical Analysis on slope Weathering Process in Red Bed