
hónɡ shí zì ɡuó jì wěi yuán huì
  • International Committee of the Red Cross
  1. 红十字国际委员会(theinternationalcommitteeoftheredcross)上周表示,今年头两个月,普通阿富汗人的保安形势“显著恶化”。

    The International Committee of the Red Cross said last week that the first two months of the year had seen a " dramatic deterioration " in the security situation for ordinary Afghans .

  2. 苏丹外交部表示,这批工人已在昨日被移交给红十字国际委员会(icrc),随后搭机飞往肯尼亚,由肯尼亚首都内罗毕的中国外交人员迎接。

    The foreign ministry said the workers were handed to the International Committee of the Red Cross yesterday and flown to Kenya to be received by Chinese diplomats in Nairobi .

  3. 红十字国际委员会中央寻人局

    Central Tracing Agency of the International Committee of the Red Cross

  4. 红十字国际委员会和中国驻肯尼亚大使馆均不愿置评。

    The ICRC and Chinese Embassy in Nairobi declined to comment .

  5. 红十字国际委员会说,人们被困在加沙,无法逃到安全区域。

    The ICRC said people are trapped and unable to flee to areas of safety .

  6. 红十字国际委员会行动部主任皮埃尔.克雷恩布尔认为,加沙目前进入全面的人道主义危机。

    The Head of ICRC Operations , Pierre Kraehenbuehl , called it a full blown humanitarian crisis .

  7. 红十字国际委员会主席雅各布·克伦贝格尔表示日内瓦公约仍然是适用的。

    International Committee of the Red Cross President Jakob Kellenberger , says the Geneva Conventions are still .

  8. 红十字国际委员会说,加沙目前陷入全面的人道主义危机。

    The International Committee of the Red Cross said Gaza is suffering what it calls a full-blown humanitarian crisis .

  9. 周五在日内瓦,红十字国际委员会称叙利亚的人道局势非常紧张。

    In Geneva Friday , the International Committee of the Red Cross called the humanitarian situation in Syria extremely tense .

  10. 但红十字国际委员会表示,其并未负责该车队,也尚未澄清车上物资的详细情况。

    But the ICRC said it was not in charge of the convoy and had not clarified details of its contents .

  11. 习惯国际人道法规则确立方法探析&兼评红十字国际委员会之《习惯国际人道法》

    On the Method of Rulemaking of Customary International Humanitarian Law : With Comments on the ICRC s Customary International Humanitarian Law ;

  12. 叙利亚外交部长呼吁红十字国际委员会避免将其人道主义工作政治化。

    The Syrian Foreign Minister is calling on the International Committee of the Red Cross to avoid politicization of its humanitarian work .

  13. 红十字国际委员会也在阿贝歇部署了一支手术工作队,以便进行紧急干预。

    The International Committee of the Red Cross has also deployed a surgical team in Ab é ch é for emergency intervention .

  14. 集束弹联盟、红十字国际委员会以及七个国家遣责泰国和利比亚最近使用集束弹。

    The Coalition , the International Committee of the Red Cross and seven countries condemn the recent use of cluster bombs by Thailand and Libya .

  15. 红十字国际委员会说,以色列对加沙开始军事进攻以来,已经有多达600人丧生,大约3000人受伤。

    The International Committee of the Red Cross said up to 600 people have been killed and about 3000 injured since Israel began its military offensive in Gaza .

  16. 我很高兴地在2005年主持了红十字国际委员会在北京设立东亚地区代表处的仪式。

    I was pleased to open the Beijing Regional Delegation for East Asia in2005 , when the ICRC set up its Regional Delegation for East Asia in Beijing .

  17. 红十字国际委员会呼吁各国及武装团体更好地遵守战争法则。

    ICRC Calls for Greater Compliance with Geneva Conventions The International Committee of the Red Cross is calling for greater with the rules of war by states and armed groups around the world .

  18. 在红十字国际委员会纪念1949年8月12日签署的日内瓦公约60周年,该瑞士人道主义机构警告称,这部签署在1949年用于保护战争中的平民和受害者的法律并没有收到应有的尊重。日内瓦公约列举了管理国际战争行为的条款。

    As the ICRC marks the 60th anniversary of the four Geneva Conventions on August 12 , the Swiss humanitarian agency warns that many of the laws The Conventions rules governing the conduct of international wars .

  19. 在红十字国际委员会巴格达办事处的寻人告示板前,站满盼望找到亲人消息的伊拉克民众。

    In front of the ICRC delegation in Baghdad , anxious families came to read the lists of persons registered by the ICRC , in the hope of finding the name of a relative from whom they have no news .

  20. 红十字国际委员会中东负责部发表推文称,被绑架的六名红十字会工作人员中三人以及一名叙利亚阿拉伯红新月会志愿者被释放,他们都安然无恙。

    Three of the six workers from the International Committee for the Red Cross , and one volunteer from the Syrian Arab Red Crescent were released safe and sound , according to a tweet posted by the ICRC 's head operations for the Middle East .

  21. 周五在日内瓦,红十字国际委员会称叙利亚的人道主义危机“十分严重。

    In Geneva Friday , the International Committee of the Red Cross called the humanitarian situation in Syria " extremely tense . " Spokesman Hicham Hassan said people throughout Syria are finding it more and more difficult to get food and medicine . He said a million and a half civilians need long-term assistance .

  22. 在巴格达的一所医院,红十字会国际委员会的义工正为病人清洗身体。

    In a hospital in Baghdad supported by the ICRC , volunteers are helping patients to wash themselves .

  23. 塔利班否认参与袭击红十字会国际委员会驻地。

    The Taliban is denying it had any role in the attack on a compound of the International Committee of the Red Cross .

  24. 尼泊尔红十字会和国际红十字委员会也在运行一款在线服务,用户可以借它寻找失踪的亲人,或者报告有人失踪。

    The   Nepal Red Cross and the International Committee of the Red Cross are also operating an online service   that allows users to search for missing family members and report missing people .

  25. 他被委派的第一项国际任务是参加瑞典红十字会在柬埔寨的工作以及红十字国际委员会在伊朗的工作。

    His first international assignments were with the Swedish Red Cross in Cambodia and the International Committee of the Red Cross in Iran .

  26. 今天,在叙利亚北部地区被绑架的红十字工作人员获释,一天前,红十字国际委员会表示,其有一个工作小组遭绑架。

    Some of the Red Cross workers kidnapped in northern Syria were free today a day after the International Committee of the Red Cross said one of their teams have been abducted .