
  • 网络LUGANO;Diego Lugano
  1. 索尔迪尼出生在卢加诺,瑞士,于1951年,目前居住在Ligornetto,瑞士的一个小村附近意大利边境的作品。

    Soldini was born in Lugano , Switzerland , in1951 , and presently resides and works in Ligornetto , a small Swiss Village near Italy 's border .

  2. 卢加诺和南部地区使用意大利语;

    Italian in Lugano and the southern region ;

  3. 来自瑞士卢加诺的Banfi先生去年夏天和一起潜水的同伴Sabrina拍摄了这些快照。

    Mr Banfi , from Cadro , Switzerland , took these snaps last summer while on a dive with his partner Sabrina .

  4. 在对卢加诺的比赛里,我们在进攻上取得很大收获,不过在防守方面做出了较大的让步。

    We couldn 't take much from the Lugano game , but we gave away a lot in defence .

  5. 米兰&米兰体育报在米兰大胜卢加诺队之后采访了安切洛蒂:这是一次不错的检验,是在一系列训练之后的出色表现。

    MILAN-La Gazzetta dello Sport interviewed Carlo Ancelotti after the win at Lugan'It was a good test , well played after a cycle of training .

  6. 接下来他去了瑞士的卢加诺,见了弗里德兰的叔叔,然后从瑞士搭航班到了印度。

    He next went to Lugano , Switzerland , where he stayed with Friedland 's uncle , and from there took a flight to India .

  7. 超级经纪人胡安。非戈给了大家一个最明确的暗示,费内巴切的阿莱克斯和迭戈。卢加诺很有可能在夏季加盟尤文图斯。

    Super-agent Juan Figer has given the clearest hint yet that Fenerbahce duo Alex and Diego Lugano could be set for a summer move to Juventus .

  8. 他涉嫌与黑手党勾结并招揽妓女。这些妓女将为一家赌场的赌客们服务。该赌场位于卢加诺湖沿岸的“飞地”坎平恩·德意大利市。

    He 's suspected of having contact with the mafia and of helping procure prostitutes for clients of a casino in Campioned'Italia , an Italian enclave on Lake Lugano .

  9. 同时,中后场位置的羸弱,也是本赛季困扰尤文的一个问题。所以尤文也不只一次地同乌拉圭防后卫迭戈。卢加诺联系在一起。

    Meanwhile the centre back position is another area that has proved troublesome for Juve this season , and this is not the first time that the club has been linked with Uruguayan stopper Diego Lugano .