
kǎi ěr tè rén
  • Celtic;Kelt
  1. 米兰&希腊籍裁判瓦萨拉斯将执法在周二晚8点45分进行的冠军联赛F组凯尔特人与米兰的比赛。

    MILAN-Greek referee Kyros Vassaras will take charge of the Champions League Group F game between Celtic and Milan on Tuesday evening ( kick-off8.45pm CET )

  2. Strongbow不是凯尔特人,是一个讲法语的诺曼。

    Strongbow was not Celtic , being a French-speaking Norman .

  3. 奇才VS凯尔特人,东部时间,下午5:30——A

    WIZARDS VS. CELTICS , 5:30 P.M. ET - A

  4. 没看,你看凯尔特人队的比赛了吗?(NBA球队)

    No. Did you see the Celtics game ?

  5. 记得当KG和凯尔特人一起赢得冠军的时候,他表现的很疯狂,尖叫着“一切皆有可能”

    Remember when KG won the title with the Celtics , and he was acting all crazy , screaming out , " ANYTHING IS POSSIBLLLLLLLLLLLLLE !!!!!!!!!!!! "

  6. NBA的大赢家:开拓者复兴了其招牌;凯尔特人赢得总冠军。

    NBA team valuations Big winners : The Trail Blazers resurrected their brand and the Celtics won the title .

  7. 可惜的是,凯尔特人队没有联系AI的经纪人,AI是理想的人选。

    Pity that the Celtics has never consulted the agent of AI , who is the most ideal player for this position .

  8. SecondSpectrum公布的数据显示,凯尔特人队在欧文直接传球的情况下平均得分为1.21分,而在欧文自己终结进攻的情况下平均得分为1.13分。

    The Celtics averaged 1.21 points per direct Irving drive whenever he passed out of it , compared with a still-robust 1.13 points when he finished with a shot , according to Second Spectrum data .

  9. 每一年,他的湖人都和比尔-拉塞尔的波士顿凯尔特人在NBA总决赛舞台上碰撞,而韦斯特输掉了6次。

    Annually , his Lakers clashed with Bill Russell 's Boston Celtics in the NBA Finals and West lost six times .

  10. 据NBA内部消息灵通人士称,步行者,火箭,凯尔特人都在打掘金控卫沃特森的主意。

    An NBA insider said the Indiana Pacers , Houston Rockets and Boston Celtics have interest in Nuggets point guard Earl Watson .

  11. 现年34岁的科林斯在过去的赛季中为波士顿凯尔特人队和华盛顿的巫师队效力;科林斯在他12年的职业生涯中,曾经在6支NBA球队中打过球。

    The 34-year-old Collins played the past season with the Boston Celtics and Washington Wizards and has played for six NBA teams during his 12-year career .

  12. 勇士队进入季后赛,希望成为自20世纪60年代波士顿凯尔特人队以来第一支连续五次进入NBA总决赛的球队。

    The Warriors head into this playoff run hoping to become the first team since the 1960s Boston Celtics to go to the NBA Finals five straight times .

  13. 今天,波士顿凯尔特人将前往迈阿密,为NBA常规赛的首场比赛做准备,同时也要尽力对抗风暴的袭击。

    And the Boston Celtics are flying to Miami today and set off tomorrow for their first road trip of the NBA season in an effort to beat the storm .

  14. 奥尔巴赫1957年执教凯尔特人拿到第一枚总冠军戒指的时候NBA联盟只有8支球队,而且纵观他的整个冠军执教生涯中这个数字也只增长到了9。

    Auerbach 's first title came with the Celtics in1957 when the NBA had only eight teams & and that number increased only to nine for the duration of his championship run .

  15. 小沃顿,是著名中锋(名人堂)比尔沃顿的儿子,从小就是凯尔特人的忠实粉丝。出色的传球天赋,和篮球IQ使小沃顿成了一个任劳任怨的场上帮手。

    LukeWalton , the son of Hall of Famer Bill , grew up a green and whitebleeding Celtics fan whose keen passing abilities and unrivaledbasketball IQ make him an invaluable contributer .

  16. Ainge为凯尔特人做了几笔不错的交易。

    Danny Ainge made some nice deals for Boston .

  17. 在上周六对阵波士顿凯尔特人队的比赛之前,13年了,没有一个球员在NBA拉斯维加斯夏季联赛的历史上有过三双的记录。

    No player had recorded a triple-double in the 13-year history of the NBA 's Las Vegas Summer League before Ball had one last Saturday against the Boston Celtics . Is Lonzo Next ?

  18. 现代法国的边界大致与古代高卢(Gaul)领土一样,居住在这里的凯尔特人(Celts)也被认为是高卢人。

    The borders of modern France roughy align with those of the ancient territory of Gaul , inhabited by Celts known also as Gauls .

  19. 我们都不清楚我们会对NBA的发展有什么影响,能够为像凯尔特人和湖人这样具有传奇和历史地位的球队效力。

    We probably both didn 't know that we would jumpstart the NBA to what it is today and that we would be able to play for two storied and historical franchises like Boston and LA .

  20. 霍福德和布朗在最后时刻联手,使得德玛尔德罗赞的最后两投均失手。凯尔特人在TD花园球馆以95比94艰难取胜。

    And it was both Horford and Brown who paired up to force DeMar DeRozan into two tough shots in the final seconds as Boston escaped with a 95-94 triumph at TD Garden .

  21. 詹姆斯战胜雷霆队的凯文·杜兰特(KevinDurant)和凯尔特人队的拉简·隆多(RajonRondo),成为上赛季性价比最高的球员。

    James edges out Oklahoma City 's Kevin Durant and Boston 's Rajon Rondo as the player who delivered the most for the money last season .

  22. 2010年,曾为明尼苏达森林狼队、新泽西网队、菲尼克斯太阳队、纽约尼克斯队和波士顿凯尔特人队效力的马布里结束了在NBA的征战,去中国重新开始。

    In 2010 , Mr. Marbury , who had played for the Minnesota Timberwolves , New Jersey Nets , Phoenix Suns , New York Knicks and Boston Celtics , wrapped up his N.B.A. years and went to China to start anew .

  23. 然而在上周一勇士对阵凯尔特人的比赛前,这位NBA全明星球员打破了自己的赛前惯例去哈佛大学肯尼迪政治学院参加了一场讨论,“单膝下跪:运动员&行动主义”

    But prior to last week 's Celtics-Warriors contest , the NBA All-Star broke his pregame routine to participate in a discussion , " Taking a Knee : Athletes & Activism , " at the Harvard Kennedy School 's Institute of Politics .

  24. 根据ESPN记者波比马克解释的一种情况,凯尔特人可以放弃受限制自由球员莫里斯同时拒绝给罗奇尔续约。

    In one scenario that Bobby Marks of ESPN explains , the Celtics could walk away from unrestricted free agent Mark Morris and decline to extend a qualifying offer to Terry Rozier .

  25. 现役球员很难在波士顿凯尔特人这支有丰富底蕴的球队中获得一席之地,但是保罗·皮尔斯,凯文·加内特和雷·阿伦组成的“三巨头”做到了,他们联手赢得了2008年的NBA总冠军。

    It 's hard for players now to secure a place in the deep Boston Celtics lore , but Paul Pierce , Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen did earn their spot in Celtics history by winning the 2008 NBA title as the Big Three .

  26. Woj还透露,凯尔特人队有可能会在今年夏天当海沃德成为自由球员之后签下他。

    The Boston Celtics may look to steal Hayward as a free agent this summer , per Wojnarowski .

  27. 前湖人球星科比对此同样感同身受,这就是为什么他会向海伍德伸出援助之手,在Instagram公开发了很贴心的推文给凯尔特人前锋,给他鼓励,并让所有人都看得到。

    Former Los Angeles Lakers star Kobe Bryant also knows the feeling . It 's likely why Bryant has since reached out to Hayward , sending a detailed message of encouragement toward the Celtics forward on Instagram for everyone to see .

  28. 除了创办赛事的两个合伙人亚历杭德罗•阿加格和恩里克•巴纽埃洛斯的投资之外,波士顿凯尔特人队和旧金山49人队的股东CausewayPartners公司也为赛事投资了2000万美元。

    In addition to the $ 100 million that founding partners Alejandro Agag and Enrique banuelos have committed to invest , Boston / Silicon Valley-based Causeway partners , which has ownership stakes in the Boston Celtics and San Francisco 49ers , invested $ 20 million in the series .

  29. 家庭由仆人和奴隶陪同,他们多数是来自苏格兰和爱尔兰的凯尔特人(对挪威人来说的西方人Westmen)。

    The families were accompanied by servants and slaves , many were Celts from Scotland and Ireland ( known as Westmen to the Norse ) .

  30. 伊比利亚人,Tartessian,凯尔特人,腓基尼人,迦太基人,希腊人,罗马人,日尔曼人(Suevi和西哥特人)和摩尔人的文化都影响了这个国家。

    Iberian , Tartessian , Celtic , Phoenician and Carthaginian , Greek , Roman , Germanic ( Suevi and Visigoth ) and Moorish cultures have all made an imprint on the country .