
  • Karen;Donna Karan;kallen
  1. 凯伦的形象,她那惊人的美貌、热情的微笑和柔和的声音在尼姆驾车去市内的路上一直在他的脑海中萦绕。

    The image of karen , her breathtaking beauty , warm smile and gentle voice , stayed with Nim through the remainder of the drive downtown .

  2. 凯伦和格蕾丝到家时累极了。

    When Karen and Grace got home , they were tired out .

  3. 当艺术课开始时,凯伦十分迷茫。

    When the art lesson started , Karen was lost .

  4. 不像格蕾丝,凯伦画画很差。

    Unlike Grace , Karen was poor at drawing .

  5. 凯伦拉着她的手,含着泪点了点头。

    Karen took her hand and nodded with tears .

  6. 凯伦看见一个女人躺在床上。

    Karen saw a woman lying in bed .

  7. 凯伦深受感动,让本带她去他家。

    Karen was deeply moved and asked Ben to take her to his home .

  8. 她对凯伦说:"请给我儿子找个家。"

    She said to Karen , " Please find a home for my son . "

  9. 凯伦是个社会工作者。

    Karen was a social worker .

  10. 格蕾丝和凯伦不喜欢星期六。

    Grace and Karen disliked Saturdays .

  11. 后来凯伦把本带回家了。

    Later Karen brought Ben home .

  12. 突然,格雷斯和凯伦同时想到了一个主意。

    All at once , an idea came to Grace and Karen at the same time .

  13. 格蕾丝得上美术课,凯伦得上芭蕾课。

    Grace had to attend the art lesson and Karen had to attend her ballet lesson .

  14. 他们的芭蕾舞老师对她不耐烦了:“凯伦,你应该记住基本舞步。”

    Their ballet teacher became impatient with her , Karen , you should remember the basic steps .

  15. 艺术课终于结束时,凯伦不敢交作业。

    When the art lesson finally ended , Karen didn 't dare to hand in her work .

  16. 尽管欧足联不会对球员个人处以罚款,但是凯伦称,如果接下来还有类似事件发生,欧足联“不排除”罚款的可能性。

    While UEFA will not impose fines on individual players , Kallen said it was “ always a possibility ” that national federations get a financial penalty for further incidents .

  17. 凯伦X光扫描这艘船标出所有最坚固的点

    Karen , give me an Xray of the boat and target all the strongest points .

  18. 凯伦说:旋律、歌词、节奏、乐感都是我们所寻找的,而‘SeeYouAgain’兼具了这一切。

    We were looking for melody , lyrics , beats and musicality , and ' See You Again ' had all those things in spades , said Caren .

  19. 现在,因为迈凯伦,我了解F1;

    Today , Because of Mclaren , I understand F1 ;

  20. 迈凯伦技术的东家控制着迈凯伦汽车(McLarenAutomotive)80%股份。

    The owners of McLaren Technology control 80 per cent of McLaren Automotive .

  21. 洛克伍德的父亲格雷格(GregLockwood)和母亲凯伦(Karen)在两人还不到二十岁的时候就结婚了。

    Greg Lockwood married Lockwood 's mother , Karen , when they were both teenagers ;

  22. 三个月以来,英国萨莫塞特郡韦斯顿市的一所名叫PrioryCommunityschool的中学请来了专业理疗师凯伦•伊契尔斯为25名学生提供定期的背部按摩。

    Twenty-five have had regular back massages from professional therapist Karen Etchells since the scheme was introduced three months ago at Priory Community School in Westonsuper-Mare , Somerset .

  23. 迈凯伦以前让中国车手马青骅担任了练习车手,虽然马青骅从未达到过F1等级。

    McLaren used to have Chinese driver Ma Qinghua as a test driver , even though Ma never cracked the F1 ranks .

  24. 此后,我们保存了迈凯伦和FIA通知的所有相关证物。

    Since then we have constantly and regularly kept McLaren and the FIA informed on all relevant findings .

  25. 苹果(Apple)已接洽英国超级跑车工程企业、一级方程式(FormulaOne)车队东家迈凯伦技术集团(McLarenTechnologyGroup),商谈潜在收购事宜,这是迄今表明这家iPhone制造商正寻求改变汽车业的最明确迹象。

    Apple has approached McLaren Technology Group , the British supercar engineer and Formula One team owner , about a potential acquisition , in the clearest sign yet that the iPhone maker is seeking to transform the automotive industry .

  26. 迈凯伦生产售价高达100万美元的豪华跑车,并拥有一家先进技术集团以及同名的F1车队。

    McLaren produces luxury sports cars that can cost as much as $ 1m apiece and owns an advanced technologies group as well as the eponymous Formula One racing team .

  27. 据凯伦?安吉尔(KarenAngel)2002年出版的《雅虎内幕》(InsideYahoo!)一书描述,该集团首任营销主管甚至在自家花园中改种了象征雅虎紫色和黄色的花。

    According to Karen Angel 's book Inside Yahoo ! , published in 2002 , the group 's first head of marketing even replanted her garden to bloom in Yahoo 's purple and yellow colours .

  28. 在向波士顿广告公司HillHolliday申请第一份工作时,凯伦o卡普兰甚至都没有想过投身广告业。

    Karen Kaplan didn 't even want to work in advertising when she applied for her first job at the Boston-based ad firm Hill Holliday .

  29. 凯伦o卡普兰:第一次去HillHolliday面试的时候,我一走出电梯,便喜欢上了那里的氛围和活力。

    Karen Kaplan : When I got off the elevator for my first interview at Hill Holliday , I really liked the vibe and the energy .

  30. 而且,不止于此,位于亚特兰大的非营利性机构求职网站OpportunityKnocks的总裁兼CEO凯伦•比弗认为,从企业管理层跳槽到非营利性机构,通常会带来职位的提升,尤其是对于财务经理来说。

    Karen beavor , President and CEO of Atlanta-based nonprofit job site opportunity knocks , says that moving from corporate management to the nonprofit world often entails a step up in rank , especially for financial managers .