
qiú xíng zōng náng zǎo
  • phaeocystis globosa
  1. 目前为止,国内仅见有关球形棕囊藻的生理生态和溶血毒素特性的报道,对溶血毒素的生物合成机制方面的研究甚少。

    So far , many reports on eco-physiology of Phaeocystis globosa and properties of haemolytic toxin were performed , but seldom research focused on the biosynthetic mechanism of haemolytic toxin .

  2. 研究从实验室培养的球形棕囊藻(Phaeocystisglobosa)提取溶血毒素的条件,探讨不同生长期球形棕囊藻溶血毒素的生成特征,用薄层色谱法对溶血成份进行了初步分析。

    The extraction of haemolytic toxin from Phaeocystis globosa was studied under laboratorial condition at various algal growth phases .

  3. 球形棕囊藻(Phaeocystisglobosa)叶绿体psaA基因片段的序列分析

    Sequence Analyses of Chloroplastic psaA Gene Fragment from Phaeocystis globosa

  4. 结果表明,球形棕囊藻细胞壁的超声波破碎最适条件为:功率600W,4℃下处理30min。对数生长期、平稳期和衰亡期藻细胞适宜处理量分别为每次3000、2000、1000ml;

    Optimal conditions for breaking algal cell wall by ultrasonic was 600 W of power treated for 30 minutes at 4 ℃, the maximum volume of cultures being 3 000 , 2 000 and 1 000 ml at logarithmic , stationary and senescent phases , respectively .

  5. 影响球形棕囊藻毒素生物合成的因素及其生物合成机制十分复杂。

    The factors are profound that effect the bio-synthesis of Phaeocystis globosa hemolysin .

  6. 球形棕囊藻对五种水生动物的急性毒性作用

    Acute Toxicities of Phaeocystis globosa on Five Aquatic Animals

  7. 球形棕囊藻的荧光光谱特征及定量测定

    The Characteristics of Fluorescence Emission Spectra in Vivo of Phaeocystis globosa and Quantitative Analysis

  8. 球形棕囊藻对Pb~(2+)的吸附动力学

    Kinetics of Pb ~ ( 2 + ) biosorption by algae biomass of Phaeocystis globosa

  9. 在球形棕囊藻生长的平稳期和衰亡期具有明显的溶血活性,对数生长期溶血活性很低,甚至检测不到。

    High haemolytic activity was observed in stationary and senescent phases , but low or even nil in logarithmic phase .

  10. 球形棕囊藻具有复杂的异型生活史,有单细胞和群体两种不同的生活形态。

    P. globosa has a complex polymorphic life cycle involving in the form of different types of free-living cells and gelatinous colonies .

  11. 方法:利用薄层层析法分析球形棕囊藻合成的溶血毒素组分,倒置显微镜下观察毒素对兔血红细胞的溶血作用;

    Methods : The components of the hemolytic toxin from P. globosa in laboratory were analyzed by TLC and spraying a suspension of red blood cells ( RBCs ) .

  12. 近年来,球形棕囊藻赤潮在我国东南沿海频频发生,不仅破坏了海洋生态环境,还造成了经济上的巨大损失。

    The Phaeocystis globosa red tide occurs frequently in the Southern and eastern Sea of China , resulting in the destruction of marine ecological environment and economic losses in recent years .

  13. 结果:实验室培养的球形棕囊藻合成的毒素与野生球形棕囊藻的毒素组分稍有差别,至少含有4个溶血组分。

    Results : There were at least 4 components in the hemolytic toxin from P. globosa cultures in laboratory , which was slightly different from that of the wild P. globosa cells .

  14. 为了验证药物的实际除藻效果,我们采集自然发生的球形棕囊藻赤潮及海水,进行模拟除藻实验。

    To test the actual effect of the algaecide of BCDMH and DBDMH , we collect the Phaeocytstis globosa red tide colonies along with the sea water and carry on the simulation experiment .

  15. 在同步发射光谱中,球形棕囊藻的荧光峰处于684nm,发生了红移。

    The peak in the synchronous emission spectra of Phaeocystis globosa was red shifted to λ _ ( 684 nm ) compared with the fluorescence emission peak of Phaeocystis globosa at λ _ ( 681 nm ) .