- 名spheroid

A Discussion on the Equations for the Globe Symmetry Diffusion and Spheroid Diffuse Sources Density Distribution
During the pressureless sintering process , the densification of the SiC / Al composites proceeded through the spheroid growth of the coated particles .
Norovirus infections started by these spheres were more severe and lasted longer than those caused by lone viruses .
Experiments , published in the journal Cell Host and Microbe , showed the spheres gave the viruses huge advantages .
The differences of globular body formation was not significant among treatments at 5 Gy , 8 Gy and 10 Gy doses .
The research on the growth of Penicillum X5 in the form of pellet was made in this paper to examine the effects of physical and chemical conditions on the formation of mycelial pellets .
Eggs are oval shaped spheres with a light brown color .
Influence of dexamethasone on cytoskeletal reorganization of three - dimensional rats hepatocytes spheroids
Another Bok globule is in the foreground .
In the other , spheroids form directly in the earliest stages of solidification .
Therefore , the globoid can be COnsidered as a proliferation unit producing adventitious bud .
Microscopic culture of Y. pestis with concavity slide and the significance of generating filament and spheroplast
[ Center ] - A Bok globule nicknamed the " caterpillar " appears at the right .
The effects of physical and chemical factors on differentiation and growth of green globular bodies of NEPHROLEPIS cordifolia
A small nugget of cold molecular hydrogen , called a Bok globule , is silhouetted against the star cluster .
They are slamming into neighboring gas to create a pair of bow shocks on either side of the globule .
For three-dimensional PhC structures with spherical inclusions , there exists a few accurate numerical methods based on spherical wave expansions .
The twisted " tail " on the back of the globule may be evidence for a wobbling jet of material being blasted from the suspected star .
The spherical cells varied in size from 0.15 to 4 μ m in diameter and large cyst - like spherical bodies were around 35 μ m in diameter .
The ubisch bodies which appeared on the inner tangential wall of the tapetum at the time of microspore wall formation are partially remain on the surface of matured pollen grain .
Heat - releasing process of spherical intrusive bodies and their influence on kerogen
A preliminary study on photoelastic approach to pressure estimation in fluid inclusions : a pressure formula of spherical inclusion
It has shown that an amorphous equant sphere powder with narrow particle distribution and good dispersibility can be prepared .
A self-designed turbine impeller viscometer has been used to determine the rheological properties of pellet form Penicillin chrysogenum fermentation broth .
Airline pilots and several witnesses reported seeing a huge spherical illuminant in the sky above Beijing and Shanghai on August 20 , reported China Daily .
There are two possible mechanism about spheroidization ofcementite : the fracture cementite lamellae grows up non-uniformly and the fine spherical cementite particles grows up as the core .
The results indicate that : duringcontinuous heating some nodular cementites are still remained and undissolved even at 1200 ℃, and thus it is difficult to carry out austenizing uniformly .
Zein are synthesized in the rough endoplasmic reticulum ( ER ) of endosperm cell of the developing seed , and finally accumulated into the globular protein body ( PB ) derived from the ER .
According to the mathematics of Gauss , the relationship between body force and surface force of particle has been obtained , and the relationship between macroscopic stress and microcosmic contact force has been established .
Fine and uniform cementite with spherical appearance distribute on the crystal boundary of equiaxed ferrite crystals . The size of spherical cementite particle is about 1 μ m and the size of ferrite grain is about 3 μ m.