
  1. 从球队型企业组织的组织控制看,这种组织是有效的;

    At first , ball - team enterprise - organization is effective in organization - control .

  2. 所以,球队型企业组织是一种有效的组织结构模式。

    The conclusion is that the ball-team enterprise-organization is an effective organization structure model in future .

  3. 球队型企业组织的有效性分析

    Validity of Ball-team Enterprise-organization

  4. 论文第2章分析了球队型企业组织的生存环境与组织设计问题进行了研究;论文从总体上将球队型企业组织所面临的基本环境分为两类,即企业组织的内部环境与外部环境;

    Chapter 2 analyzes and studies the existing environment of the ball-team enterprise organization and the design of the organization .

  5. 从球队型企业组织的敏捷性、内部合作与合作博弈的角度分析,该组织结构能够获得比传统的组织结构模式更好的组织效率。

    Secondly , ball-team enterprise-organization can achieve better organization efficiency than traditional organization structure model with its agility , interior cooperation and cooperate Game .

  6. 论文从自组织的角度出发,结合博弈理论与非线性动力学的研究成果,对当代企业组织理论的发展进行了有益的探索,并了在当代企业中建设球队型企业组织相关内容。

    Thus the thesis makes rewarding study of the contemporary business organization and comes to analysis the business organization of the ball-team enterprise organization that should be established in the contemporary business .

  7. 分析了现代企业组织转型的根本诱因、组织转型的主要目标,并对企业组织转型的过程、机制与途径、球队型企业组织的研究现状进行了简单的介绍。

    It analyzes the fundamental causes and the principal end of the transformation of the organization in the modern business , of which the process , the mechanism and the means are clearly expounded .