
  • 网络hybrid structure
  1. 第五,通过对2004-2005赛季CBA联赛和2005年北京国际马拉松赛组织的案例分析,提出了对我国市场型和混合型组织结构模式的启示。

    Fifth , from the sample analysis of the CBA league in the 2004-2005 seasons and the 2005 Beijing international Marathon Game , the author puts forward the detailed proposals on the sports events organization structure of the market-oriented type and the mixed-oriented type .

  2. 按照农户在农业生产中的结合方式不同,可以将农业生产组织结构分为三种不同的类型:市场型、层级型以及市场与层级力量相互作用的混合型组织结构。

    According to the ways that farmers associate with each other in agriculture , there are three different kinds of farming organization structure : market type , hierarchical type and mixed type .

  3. 松散耦合与紧密耦合集成&一种新的混合型学校组织结构紧耦合的,强耦合的

    The Integration of Loose Coupling and Tight Coupling : A New Hybrid School Organizational Structure